Road trip
Catch treats
Play keep away
Plays in Ball Pit
Jumping in Leaf Pile
Running in Sprinklers
Swing in Hammock
Hide & Seek
Puzzle Toys
Playing in the snow
Our eskland is incredible. First, great with kids. When my kids get upset, he rushes in to comfort them, even when they’re having a meltdown and he has to dodge their flailing arms and legs to reach them. He even comforts and calms my husband when he gets overly “excited” about the sports game he’s watching on tv.
Very sweet temperament. We have only had one incident of the slightest aggression and it was a sort of miscommunication on his second night with us. One of my kids thought she could take away his bone as a game while he was gnawing on it. He growled and bared his teeth but did nothing else. She was so upset, she burst into tears. A short time later, he came to her room and dropped the bone by her bedside. When she tried to give it back to him, he again dropped it at her feet.
He follows me (the mom) around and is practically attached to my hip. He’s good company. Stays out of my way, and is quiet, but just likes to stay near me. He loves to be petted, loves to train, loves to play. He absolutely loves running outside where he can get going full speed.
He’s been very adventurous, getting into many activities along with the family, determined not to be left out—activities I wouldn’t have expected a dog to enjoy, like playing in a ball pit, or playing on the trampoline.
I feel lije we can’t train him fast enough to his satisfaction. We keep trying to learn more so that we can have more to teach him. He’s very clever.
The hardest challenges with him are that he loves human food, he barks a lot (thunderstorms, fireworks, and garbage day are tough!), and I have to groom him almost daily to keep up with how much he sheds. But his coat is so soft and beautiful, that it feels worth it.
4 years, 1 month ago