
10-20 lbs

Pekehunds are a cute and curious mix between a Dachshund (aka “Doxie”) and Pekingese. Several strong traits of both parents balance out in this hybrid, such as energy level. However, other strong traits reinforce each other, such as loyalty, intelligence, and people-orientation. Pekehunds vary widely in color, as well as size and appearance depend on what type of Dachshund parent they have (standard size, miniature, smooth-haired, long-haired, wire-haired). Generally, however, they weight between 10 and 22 pounds and grow to be 7 to 9 inches tall. Though an adorable combination, Pekehunds are less common than other Pekingese and Dachshund mixes and not yet recognized by the American Kennel Association.

purpose Purpose
history Date of Origin
Late 1800s
ancestry Ancestry
Dachshund and Pekingese

Pekehund Health

Average Size
Male Pekehund size stats
Height: 7-9 inches Weight: 12-22 lbs
Female Pekehund size stats
Height: 7-9 inches Weight: 10-20 lbs
Major Concerns
  • Patellar Luxation
  • Entropion
  • Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
  • Bloat
  • Skin Fold Dermatitis
  • Brachycephalic Syndrome
  • Exposure Keratopathy Syndrome
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
Minor Concerns
  • KCS
  • Deafness
  • Epilepsy
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Eye Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Mitral Valve Disease
  • Cushing's Disease
Occasional Diagnoses
  • None Known
Occasional Tests
  • Eye
  • Hip
  • Blood
  • Knee
  • Hearing
  • Heart
  • Dna For Pra
  • X-Rays
  • Respiratory Tests
  • Full Body Physical Examination

Pekehund Breed History

A Pekehund is a hybrid of a purebred Dachshund and a Pekingese. Both Pekehund parents migrated to the United States in the mid to late 1800s and have possibly been bred together for over a century. Nonetheless, they come from very different backgrounds. Dachshund means “badger dog” in German and – appropriately – was bred beginning in 15th century Deutschland to hunt badgers and other small vermin. There are three varieties of this breed. The “smooth-haired” Dachshund was developed first out of small hunting dogs including the Pinscher and Basset Hound. The “wire-haired” and “long-haired” were developed later by adding in Spaniels and other Terriers. Overtime, Dachshunds became known, not just for their hunting skills, but also for their sense of loyalty and affectionate nature. These traits led to the breed’s rise in popularity as a pet throughout Europe and North America during the 1800s. During this time, breeders also started to create “miniature” Dachshund that weighed 11 pounds or less. Dachshund were recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1895. Today, they are rarely used for hunting, but they remain a globally popular family pet. The Pekehund’s other parent, the Pekingese originated in ancient China. It was primarily owned by royal and elite families and believed to protect owners from evil spirits. Little is known about the development of the Pekingese due to scare or incomplete breeding records in Imperial China; however, in the 19th century, it is known that China’s ruler, the Dowager Empress Cixi, began to gift Pekingese to foreign officials and diplomats. Additionally, several Pekingese were smuggled out of the country during the Second Opium War in the 1860s. After this breed was introduced to the rest of the world, it’s popularity grew quickly – particularly in Europe. Eventually, the breed found its way over to North America in the late century and was recognized by the AKC in 1909.

Pekehund Breed Appearance

Pekehunds look like taller dachshunds with the short muzzle of a Pekingese and feathering around the ears and tail. These small dogs have a sweet, inquisitive expressions and grow to be between 10 and 22 pounds and 8 to 10 inches tall. The type of Dachshund that the Pekingese is bred with will ultimately determine some of the hybrid’s characteristics. Obviously, miniature Dachshund parents will produce relatively smaller Pekehunds. Additionally, smooth, wire-haired, and long-haired will all yield Pekehunds with different coat lengths and textures. The most common Pekehund Terrier parent, however, is the smooth-haired. This combination will yield a short to medium length coat that is straight and soft. The coat can come in any combination or solid variety of colors that are common to both the Dachshund and Pekingese. Aside from that, Pekehunds have high-set, pendent ears, small catlike feet, and a medium length, well-coated tail.    

Eye Color Possibilities
blue Pekehund eyes
hazel Pekehund eyes
brown Pekehund eyes
Nose Color Possibilities
black Pekehund nose
brown Pekehund nose
isabella Pekehund nose
Coat Color Possibilities
fawn Pekehund coat
gray Pekehund coat
black Pekehund coat
brown Pekehund coat
red Pekehund coat
cream Pekehund coat
pied Pekehund coat
brindle Pekehund coat
sable Pekehund coat
isabella Pekehund coat
Coat Length
Short Medium Long
Coat Density
coat density
Sparse Normal Dense
Coat Texture
coat texture
Pekehund straight coat texture
Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

Pekehund Breed Maintenance

Depending on the type of Dachshund that is bred, Pekehund maintenance can vary widely. Pekehunds with wiry or long hair may require weekly brushing and occasional stripping. Pekehunds with a shorter coat may require less upkeep, but still shed moderately. Regardless of type, feathering around the ears and tail are common. As such, owners may need to clip their Pekehunds coat with clippers or scissors; some owners even opt for professional grooming. All varieties of Pekehunds should have baths and nails trimmings on a monthly basis. This hybrid’s ears are prone to wax build up, so owners should check and clean their Pekehunds regularly to avoid infections or discomfort.  Finally (like all dogs), Pekehunds should have their teeth brushed daily to ward off dental diseases. 

Brushes for Pekehund
Slicker Brush
Slicker Brush
Nail Clipper
Nail Clipper
Brushing Frequency
fur daily fur weekly fur monthly
Pekehund requires weekly brushing
Daily Weekly Monthly

Pekehund Temperament

Pekingese and Dachshunds are different in many ways, and Pekehunds can inherit any combination of personality traits from each one. One characteristic, however, is common throughout all these breeds: a deep sense of loyalty and attachment to their owners. Pekehunds are very people oriented and will want to stay with their owners at every opportunity possible. These true pack animals and they will not be happy if they are alone for long periods of time (they do well when they are “paired” with another pet). As such, owners should make significant efforts to reduce social anxiety with a consistent schedule, crate training, and – of course – lots of love and affirmation. Because Pekehunds also tend to be suspicious of strangers, socialization among people and other animals is essential to bringing up a well-adjusted pup. Generally, Pekehunds tend to be quite intelligent. They require mental stimulation by the way of games and one on one interactions in addition to lots of attention from their families.

Pekehund Activity Requirements

Pekehunds need about 30 minutes of activity every day to stay happy and healthy. If they take after their Pekingese parent they may need less exercise, and if they take after their Doxie parent, they may need more exercise. Either way, Pekehunds will enjoy any activity that means they get to spend time with their owners, including walks, trips to the park, games (such as fetch), and learning tricks. They will also enjoy playing with other dogs that they are bonded or familiar with. Pekehunds may need a jacket in the winter, but they do well in all types of climates. Additionally, because of their size and activity requirements, this hybrid is well suited for urban and apartment environments.

Activity Level
low activity medium activity high activity
Low Medium High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week
5 miles
walk mileage
Minutes of Activity Per Day
30 minutes
activity minutes

Pekehund Food Consumption

Cups Per Day
1 cups
cup per day cost
Daily Cost
$1.00 - $1.00
food bowls daily cost
Monthly Cost
$20.00 - $30.00
food bag monthly cost

Pekehund Height & Weight

6 Months
Male Pekehund size stats at six months
Height: 5.5 inches Weight: 6.5 lbs
Female Pekehund size stats at six months
Height: 5.5 inches Weight: 6.0 lbs
12 Months
Male Pekehund size stats at 12 months
Height: 7.0 inches Weight: 9.0 lbs
Female Pekehund size stats at 12 months
Height: 7.0 inches Weight: 8.5 lbs
18 Months
Male Pekehund size stats at 18 months
Height: 8.0 inches Weight: 15.0 lbs
Female Pekehund size stats at 18 months
Height: 8.0 inches Weight: 15.0 lbs

Pekehund Owner Experiences

8 Years
3 People
House & Yard
Eating Snacks
My dog is attached to my hip, everywhere I go she goes. She is very lovable to those she knows, but unapproachable to strangers. She loves to snack, nap, play fetch, play with rope toys, and bark at anything that moves!
1 year, 2 months ago
3 Years
2 People
Hide & Seek
Definitely is lively and needs frequent socialization to be happy! What a lover!
7 years, 1 month ago
4 Months
2 People
Catching sunset, walk at Park, playing ball
6 years, 10 months ago
6 Years
3 People
I have found that the descriptions on the websites are very accurate about this breed. Allie was a 4 month old dog in a rescue facility. We found her online and fell in love with her. We took her to pet smart for training within two weeks of having her because we heard the breed can be difficult to train. However she did very well and even graduated. Our little Allie is very energetic and loves to sniff everything in her yard. She is afraid of nothing, the neighbors have cows and she will walk right them and want to play. She is very easy going and Loves everyone that meets her. She doesn't jump on people we they walk up she lays down and wants her belly rubbed. She has a very long and dense coat, so we find it easier to take her in for grooming.
6 years, 10 months ago
3 Years
7 People
Running around the house
He doesn't listen to me occasionally
6 years, 9 months ago
3 Years
3 People
Penny is very loyal to me but she is wary of strangers. It takes her a long time to warm up to people and she will bark at them but stop if she's not extremely fearful of their energy. She's a good judge of character with people and with other dogs and will avoid those she believes to be aggressive. She generally doesn't like playing with other dogs and will keep to herself at dog parks with few exceptions (mainly puppies or very small dogs). Her energy level is adaptable to mine. If I'm very energetic she'll be extremely playful and will go for a jog or long walk but if I want to lie in bed and cuddle all day she does that too. Penny is an incredibly picky eater and if she's given table scraps regularly she will refuse to eat her food and will beg whoever has been giving her food each time they eat. She is incredibly stubborn and will sit there and beg the entire time while giving an occasional whine until the person gives in. I constantly switch out her treats and will give her those while she begs someone to get her less focused on them and on track to eat her own food. Penny is an extreme chewer! I get all the heavy duty toys and she destroys most of them eventually. I have various animal parts (ears, feet, antlers, horns, etc.) to keep her chewing focused on those instead of anything lying on the floor. She loves getting her teeth brushed but she's not the biggest fan of baths. She tolerates it but she's not enthused during them. Penny is a very smart dog and she learns pretty quickly. She has a Kong that she knows to bring to me for a refill so I have to take it away on occasion because it gets out of hand. She does get into routines very easily which provides her a lot of structure. She has terrible separation anxiety though. She has allergies and her skin gets slightly red and itchy and even one flea makes her scratch herself to a ridiculous degree.
6 years, 8 months ago
5 Years
3 People
House & Yard
I love him more than life itself ❤️
4 years, 10 months ago
2 Years
2 People
House & Yard
I recently got a pekehund rescue. I've had many different rescue dogs but this dog is the best by far. He is loving,smart,easy to train,devoted. Great with dogs,kids,our rabbit & people though a little wary of men. I can not find fault with him,despite never having lived in a house & coming from the streets of Bosnia,he has never had an accident. He is always lively & sweet natured. He rarely barks which is good because his bark could break glass! Fallen head over heels for this little cutie.
4 years, 3 months ago
Laila (Lay. Lay)
15 Years
2 People
House & Yard
Laila has always been very loyal, obedient, intelligent. I taught her to sit, beg, play dead, go potty, go to bed. She had been the best dog. She can still hear and see.
3 years, 10 months ago
Book me a walkiee?
Sketch of smiling australian shepherd