Bird watching
Squirrel Chasing
Mama Lovin’
I rescued Pistol from a shelter when she was 6 weeks old, they told me she had been brought in with her brother who had already been adopted. Pistol had been named Ruby at that time. She was in a pin with two miniature corgis and she responded to me with happiness and magnetism from the first moment she saw me. The ladies at the shelter informed me that she and her brother had been brought in from an animal hoarder whom had 80-90 animals but was receiving Meals On Wheels. So the story goes, she and her brother were the only two young enough for them to take.
Pistol is beyond anything I’ve ever been able to call mine, she’s my best friend/my daughter (of mind not of body teehee). I’m 27 and when I had gone out looking for my dog companion I was 21 and getting married to a husband that would be away at work on the rig, 14 days on and 14 days off - and Id be home alone quite frequently. Even as a puppy, Pistols bark was enough to keep even any unfamiliar visitors waiting back further from the door they had just knocked on and even off of the porch - those that KNOW Pistol are well aware of the loving, sweet, and affectionate girl that she is.
After a quick year of marriage, divorce came and went, and she stayed through it all- thick and thin. I have yet to spend more than even a day apart from her since the day I got her. Throughout the years I encountered domestic violence, attempted shooting, and many traumatizing/life altering events and I’ve experienced months of PTSD that are indescribable - but I would not have made it through any of it if it weren’t for her. A day does not come and go wherein I ever feel loneliness or unloved. I know her like the back of my hand, and in many ways she is so much like me it’s almost uncanny and so much fun! I’d give up everything I own and every dime or dollar that ever came my direction for the rest of my life to keep her with me throughout my time here on Earth.
I could not have a better dog, I cannot believe how lucky I am in life to have such a beautiful soul next to me day in and day out.
^_^ sappier than your average description but I’m not a bit sorry!
4 years, 10 months ago