Save on pet insurance for your Rott Pei
Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $1,000-3,000 a year for a Rott Pei.
Pet Insurance can help prepare you for unexpected vet bills. Compare top providers to get a custom quote that fits your pet’s unique health needs.
The Rott Pei is a rare hybrid breed that has little recorded data alluding to its history, therefore it is important to analyse the parent dogs to understand their character traits. The Rottweiler is an ancient breed of dog, originating from the Drover dogs of Rome. They travelled with the Roman army into Germany, and here they were crossbred with some of the local dogs of the town of Rottweil where it took its name. They were strong confident dogs and used to herd the cattle and for bear hunting. The Rottweiler became known for its loyalty and devotion to its owners, and was particularly protective of their property, which made them ideal guard dogs. The military and police forces recognised the usefulness of these imposing dogs and they became working dogs for these institutions. Apart from their working ability, they were also great companion dogs as long as they had a leader/owner who they could respect. The Rottweiler was registered by the American Kennel Club in 1931 and it is now up in the top most popular breeds in the world. Impressive good looks and with a calm, confident attitude contribute to their on going popularity. The Shar-Pei is another ancient breed from China that is unique in having a blue tongue much like the Chow Chow dog who may have been used to create the Shar-Pei. They were used as working dogs for herding, guarding and hunting dogs. The Shar-Pei was even used as a fighting dog, with the loose wrinkled skin proving hard for their opponent to latch onto. At one time the Shar-Pei was considered good eating in China, and no one was allowed to own them as a pet. This caused a rapid decline in numbers saved from extinction only by a breeder who promoted the Shar-Pei outside of China. Selective breeding overcame some earlier health hazards the breed had such as painful eye conditions, and less of the folds to ensure the modern Shar-Pei is now a healthier, stronger breed. In 1978, the Shar-Pei was recorded as one of the rarest breeds on the planet. Concentrated efforts by American breeders turned this around and their numbers steadily rose after 1981 and their popularity spread around the globe. Today, the Shar-Pei is one of the most popular dogs in the United Kingdom and ranks high in other countries too as a loyal companion and family pet.
This attractive medium to large dog is known for its intelligence, affection and its protective nature towards its family. They get on well with children, demonstrating patience and tolerance. As companions they are exceptional, they are loyal and brave dogs who will lay down their life to protect yours. But they are also known to be a regular cuddle bug who loves a bit of attention and some cuddles. They make ideal guard dogs as their sharp eyes and senses miss nothing, and they will warn you by barking or growling. Once introduced to a new face they lose interest and accept them as part of the extended family. Children will have a willing playmate as these dogs love to play, and will retrieve the ball or find hidden objects for as long as the game continues. They will be the last to retire from a game, although if they get bored they may switch off and wander away to do their own thing. Reliable, good natured and affectionate, the Rott Pei is a well respected dog who is capturing hearts and earning praise in the dog community.