We got Lala from our local animal shelter when she was about 5 months. We chose her because she was in a kennel with her mother & sister & she was very clingy to her mother, and i was hoping she would be that way with me, and she definitely is! Her previous owner was abusive and left her at the animal shelter then took her back twice! So needless to say Lala had trust issues. As soon as she came to her new home she ran straight under our bed to hide. Once i got her from under the bed, i held her in the blanket that i bought her that i rubbed on her mother so it would smell like her & i told her she had nothing to be scared of anymore and she fell asleep on my chest. Weve been 2 peas in a pod ever sense! She was fairly easy to house train! Got the hang of the pee pad system pretty well. Whenever she would pee or poo somewhere else we would place her on her pee pad. Her hardest obstacle was learning that the couch, her kennel, our bed, and our rugs were NOT pee destinations! But shes fine now, weve been accident free for over 6 months! Enrgy level is very high! Espically for a studio apartment! But we live at a very animal friendly apartment with no breed restrictions & 2 dog parks so theres plenty of pups to play with! Shes very friendly with big dogs small dogs bunnies frogs & pretty much animal, but she takes awhile to warm up to humans. When we have company over shes definetly more scared than aggressive, she'll express her anal glands or have an accident when stranger approach her in our home, but once she warms up to them shes laying in their lap begging for food lol.
Im not sure how she is with children, however i am 6 months pregnant & her attitude has COMPLETELY changed for the better. With COVID-19 happening & me not working she has become the ultimate snuggle bug, especially when my husband isn't home. Lately ive been letting her sleep out of her kennel & shes does AMAZING! She sleeps curled up with my belly & if i get up to potty or for a late night snack she stays in the bed & waits for me to come back and cuddle her! I was worried about how she would act with the baby but, the protectiveness and loyalty shes shown with me during my pregnancy leaves me hopeful.
Grooming, i feel that she sheds a lot, but ive only had one dog before; maltipoo which dont shed at all & my husband says her shedding is normal. Our apartment is fully grey wood & lala's hair is black so if i go a week without sweeping or dusting the house is a literal hair ball.
Lala is a very sweet protective, & committed dog. She knows when it is time to play or time to cuddle with mommy, she is exactly the personality my husband and i were missing in our home and i wouldn't trade her for the whole world!
4 years, 10 months ago