The Smooth Foxy Russell is a new hybrid breed of dog that is the result of crossing the Jack Russell Terrier with the Smooth Fox Terrier. What you get is a dynamic small sized dog that has energy to burn. Fast on their feet, these little turbo engines can turn on a dime, and go from standing to full throttle speed in a matter of seconds. They are alert, intelligent, independent, loving and loyal. True to the Terrier nature, these little rascals are full of curiosity which can sometimes get them into trouble! They are territorial and courageous - it seems no one has explain to them that they are a small dog and should not be taking on bigger animals. To a Smooth Foxy Russell, they think they are massive, so they act big. You may be needed to rescue your pooch from a tricky situation more than once - a situation that they instigated. But its hard not to love these cute little dogs. Yes, they can be tricky to train unless they find it fun and want to be trained. Its not that they aren't intelligent, far from it. Its just that they want to do things their way. Affectionate and really fun to have around, these happy little dogs make ideal family pets although they are better with older children. Tugging the tail or ears and teasing them with taking their toys or food may result in a nip or bite. They are not tolerant of these things, so older children who are aware of this are a better match. The Smooth Foxy Russell has a strong prey drive so keep them on a leash when out walking. If they smell or see something they consider prey they will be off after it unless you have them restrained on a lead. While they can test your patience with their independent nature, they are easy to forgive when they snuggle up close and look at you with love from those expressive round eyes.
Save on pet insurance for your Smooth Foxy Russell
Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $500-1,000 a year for a Smooth Foxy Russell.
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The Smooth Foxy Russell is a new hybrid dog that has little information about its development. Hence the need to look at the parent dogs history to see how learn about their past. The Jack Russell was developed in the 1800's as a working dog, especially for fox hunting where these energetic dogs would flush out the fox with their steady barking for the hunter to exterminate. They have a strong prey drive and will cleanse your property of any mice or rats that may be foolish enough to come within distance of these energetic and enthusiastic dogs. The Reverend John Russell bred was known for the finest strain of these terriers in England. There is a wide variance in the standard for the Jack Russell Terrier - something that has been a hot debate in past years. The longer leg Jack Russell was called the Parson Jack Russell, while the shorter leg dogs were called simply the Jack Russell. In America, the shorter legged Jack Russell is the more popular dog, yet the long legged dog is the breed officially recognised as the Jack Russell. But whatever the length of the leg, these charismatic small dogs have gained popularity due to their appearance in shows such as 'Frasier', and the children's show 'Wishbone'. Intelligent, quick to learn (if it suits them), and true performers, the Jack Russell is one feisty, active and lovable dog. The Smooth Fox Terrier is one of the oldest terrier type dogs, where they were developed in England in the 17th Century to help hunters with animals that preyed upon the stock, such as the fox, or the rat. The Dachshund, Fox Hound, and the Beagle were part of their development history. The Smooth Fox Terrier would chase the prey to the ground and would dig, bark and lunge until it chase the harassed creature out of its den. The hunter would then dispose of the animal. Originally the Fox Terrier had two distinctive coats, one was smooth, the other was wirehaired and both were considered the same breed for a long time. It was in 1876 that the Smooth Fox Terrier standard was established, separating it from the wire hair variety. Ever since there has been debate with some saying they are still the same breed, just different coats. The American Kennel Club recognised the Smooth Fox Terrier in 1885. While the debate still rages amongst dog lovers, the Smooth Fox Terrier continues to be a popular terrier, full of personality and devoted to their owners, although they do like to do things their way. They excel at hunting, tracking, agility and performing tricks, and make good watchdogs.
Generally small to medium in size, the Smooth Foxy Russell is one heck of a personality who lives life to the fullest and is independent in nature. Full of fun and with a thirst for life at full speed, they need an active family who can keep up with this amazing dog. Coming from a background of hunting stock, they are geared to instinctively chase after fast moving animals they consider prey. Yet raised with other pets such as cats, they can form a strong friendship bond. Unfortunately that may not apply to the neighbours cat so ensure this little demon is restricted to his own yard with a very solid fence. They make great family pets, and children especially love them because they will play all day without tiring. The Smooth Foxy Russell makes a good watchdog, expressing their displeasure when strangers appear in very vocal terms. They are a happy go lucky type of dog, yet they don't suit everyone. Because of their independent nature and wanting to do things their way, they can be a handful to train unless you are an experienced dog handler. It is no use getting frustrated and yelling at the dog when they will not cooperate - that will only make it worse and the dog wins the battle. Use patience and praise along with small treats to appeal to their vanity and you will find training goes well. Also keep the training interesting and fun for the dog. They can easily lose their focus if they have to do the same old thing time and time again. Challenge their intelligence with some agility or hunting type activities, use toys where they have to work out how to get that yummy treat they can smell and you will find training will be a lot more fun for you both. They are a challenge to own, but are such clowns and personalities that it is well worth the occasional aggravation. Strong experienced dog owners are the best match for this feisty dog.