Anal Sac Disorders in Cats
Anal Sac Disorders in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What are Anal Sac Disorders?
If your cat has any anal sac disorder, you will notice him scooting or dragging his rear end on the floor, licking or chewing the area around his tail, and straining to defecate. In some cases, there may be swelling near the anus as well. Anal sac disorders can lead to a lot of discomfort for your cat, so take him to a veterinarian as soon as possible for treatment.
Every cat has two anal glands near the anus that produce a potent substance that exits the body during defecation. The primary purpose of these anal sacs is to help animals mark their territory when defecating. However, a number of issues, including impaction, infection, and the formation of an abscess can affect a cat’s anal glands. Impaction occurs when the anal secretion becomes clogged inside the sac, while infection and abscesses develop due to bacteria inside the anal sac. 
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Symptoms of Anal Sac Disorders in Cats
There are three main anal sac disorders that cats may develop, including impaction, infection, and the formation of an abscess. The symptoms of these three disorders are quite similar, and may include:
  • Dragging the bottom across the floor
  • Attempting to bite or reach his tail more than usual
  • Excessively licking or chewing the area near the tail
  • Straining during defecation
  • Swelling around the anus
Causes of Anal Sac Disorders in Cats
The exact cause of impaction of the anal sac is unknown. However, many veterinarians believe there are some factors that increase your cat’s chance of developing this disorder. These factors include soft feces, diarrhea, and weak anal muscles. Infection and abscesses occur when bacteria makes its way into the anal gland.
Diagnosis of Anal Sac Disorders in Cats
If you notice any of these symptoms, bring your cat into a veterinarian as soon as possible. Describe the symptoms you have observed in as much detail as possible. The vet will also need to know when the symptoms began.
Based on your description, the vet will know there is a problem with your cat’s anal sac, however, he will not know whether it is impaction, infection, or an abscess without performing a rectal examination. 
The vet should be able to make a diagnosis by looking at the secretion of the anal glands. If there is no issue with the anal sac, the secretion will be pale yellow or clear. However, if your cat has an impacted anal sac, the secretion will be brown and thick. If it’s infected or has an abscess, the secretion will lean more towards a reddish-brown color.  The vet may take a sample of the secretion and culture it if he believes there is an infection. If there is any swelling, this will also help the vet identify the presence of an abscess.  
Treatment of Anal Sac Disorders in Cats
If your cat’s glands are impacted, the vet will need to “express,” or empty them. To do so, the vet will need to apply pressure to the gland with his hands until the contents of the sac begin to empty out. This can usually be done fairly quickly, but if the cat seems like he is in pain, the vet may give him a tranquilizer or painkiller prior to performing the procedure. 
If there is an infection in the anal sac, the glands will need to be expressed, and the cat will need antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria from his system. Antibiotics may be administered directly in the sac to flush out bacteria, orally, or both, depending on the severity of your cat’s condition. 
An abscess will need to be lanced to drain fluid, and then treated with antibiotics. In some cases, especially if the abscess has ruptured or if your cat has had multiple issues with his anal sacs, the vet may suggest surgically removing your cat’s anal sacs. There are several complications with this surgery, so it is only used as a last resort when other treatments are not effective. 
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Recovery of Anal Sac Disorders in Cats
If your cat was given antibiotics as part of his treatment, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully and administer them exactly as directed. 
Talk to your vet about whether you need to add more fiber to your cat’s diet. The vet may suggest doing so in order to bulk up the cat’s feces, since bulkier stool puts more pressure on the gland and forces it to express its contents. This may help prevent future anal sac disorders.
If your cat was treated for an abscess, he may experience pain and swelling after treatment. Apply warm compresses around his tail to help alleviate the pain and discomfort. You should also ask your vet whether your will need to put a recovery collar on your cat to prevent him from licking the area while it heals. 
Anal Sac Disorders Average Cost
From 388 quotes ranging from $200 - $1,000
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Anal Sac Disorders Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
11 Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My cat had a ruptured anal gland, but the vet said it was actually healing and they expressed the glands to empty it out, which they found dark sand like substance in his glands. Anyway, since i brought my cat home he has had really bad diarrhea & his anal gland has a much larger open sore then it did before. He’s on antibiotics, probiotics & i put a topical cream on his wound 2x a day. I kinda feel like he has gotten worse since going to the vet & now he doesn’t seem to be able to control his bowel movements.
July 24, 2018
0 Recommendations
You should take Alistair back into your Veterinarian if there is a worsening of symptoms for another examination, without examining Alistair myself I cannot determine whether a different course of treatment is required or not. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 25, 2018
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short haired
10 Years

4 found this helpful


4 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Soft Stools ,
Soft Stools , Growling When But Tou
My cat has soft stools for a week , I have given her a dewormer 2 days ago. She was scooting but she has done this for more than 2 years. She growls when I try to touch her butt or lower back tail. I’m trying to wipe her as she has poop stuck to her Anus which is drying up.
July 1, 2018
4 Recommendations
Scooting is commonly associated with anal gland issues; but parasites, anus irritation, perineal hernia among other causes may also lead to scooting. It is important to keep any faecal matter away from the skin and would be a good idea to clip the fur around the anus to reduce the risk of it sticking. Without examining Coco I cannot say what the specific cause is here, but if it continues or she continues to show pain at the anus you should visit your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 2, 2018
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9 Months

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6 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Anal Discharge
My kitten has had anal gland issues since I got him from the shelter when he was 5months. He was neutered day I got him and he smelled terrible. I noticed there are days he wont poo and his anal glands leak a greenish discharge. It smells horrific. He eats normal, and plays normal. I have gotten him blood work showing nothing odd. He has been treated for any type of worms and had a stool sample showing nothing. It seems he is backed up, or has an anal gland infection or something weird. But, I do notice when he goes poo, the weird discharge on his anal glands is not present.
Jan. 4, 2018
6 Recommendations
If there is a chronic issue with Icarus’ anal glands they may need to be removed to help resolve the issues, removal wouldn’t cause any issues for him but would remove the smelly discharge which you are describing. You should discuss removal options with your Veterinarian since it doesn’t seem to be able to be managed. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Jan. 4, 2018
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American Shorthair
3 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Rapid Licking
Bella has what looked like a hot spot at the base of her tail and she had a leaking anus I thought when we first rescued her. If you would pet near her tail on the top side at the base of the tail she would make noise like a quiet yowl. Now if she is having a flare up and you pet near the base of her tail she will lick the air and make this noise that sounds like she’s saying yum yum yum yum something like that. The way her poop seems to collect around her bum I shave her area to keep it from sticking in her hair. I would describe it like she is too short and her poop gets smooshed between her and the litter pan but she never has any litter in her anal area with the poop. She is a fat bellied cat she has a slight side to side waddle when she walks. She can’t lick her own bum to clean it she tries but she has to pull her belly out of the way with her paw and use for leverage to pull her self down to reach it. Now I noticed it has had puss every 4-12 weeks. The first time I noticed it she smelled funny like poop of course but also like corn chips and whenever the puss comes back so does the dry skin issue. She has “dandruff” along her spine and the base of the tail gets to where you can’t pet her all at the same time, as if the anus is associated with the base of the tail which makes sense because it’s the top side of the colon/anal canal. She doesn’t like it to be even touched with a warm cloth let alone being wiped. It has to be done though but after I do it and I squeeze the puss out the first time I saw it she feels a lot better you can tell she just feels better. It does come back ever so often. The vet has no idea. I don’t change her food EVER she eats the same flavor and same cuts and all. She eats half can of soft food daily and I leave her hard food out for her and Minerva to eat whenever they want. Her poop is soft but isn’t runny it has shape she doesn’t bury hers it is loud smelling too regardless of litter brand. She had fleas when we got her the person that we rescued her from allowed her to come in and out of the house we don’t. She seemed to be allergic to the flea bites. When I got rid of the fleas she started to heal the dry skin area at the base of the tail. I put cortisone on it and hot spot medicine the hair fell out and healed. That’s when it was apparent she was leaking and it came and went. The puss didn’t show up until the first time it flared up after fleas were gone so 3 months after the first time it healed. Then we noticed it smelled like corn chips and the poop was smooshed looking around her anus. She is otherwise healthy and acts like it doesn’t bother her unless you pet her near the tail. This time it came back her whole spine seemed itchy or something she reacted to me petting her. I need to find out what it could be that would cause it to leak clear poop to smoosh onto her bum and her base of tail to make her lick rapidly in the air when it’s pet. If she sees me put rubber gloves on and wet a cloth she hauls. She likes to hide in the window and I noticed it seems to get bothersome when she gets hot maybe coincidence. I need it clean because she loves laying on my pillow and arm of my chair (soft leather recliner). I don’t want to run her off because she wasn’t a lap cat when we rescued her she stayed away from people because of how she was treated and I love that she loves to be pet now and lay with me. I don’t want it to change but I want it to stop itching burning leaking stinking.
American Short Hair
3 Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Leaking Anus
Corn Chip Smell
Bella has what looked like a hot spot at the base of her tail and she had a leaking anus I thought when we first rescued her. If you would pet near her tail on the top side at the base of the tail she would make noise like a quiet yowl. Now if she is having a flare up and you pet near the base of her tail she will lick the air and make this noise that sounds like she’s saying yum yum yum yum something like that. The way her poop seems to collect around her bum I shave her area to keep it from sticking in her hair. I would describe it like she is too short and her poop gets smooshed between her and the litter pan but she never has any litter in her anal area with the poop. She is a fat bellied cat she has a slight side to side waddle when she walks. She can’t lick her own bum to clean it she tries but she has to pull her belly out of the way with her paw and use for leverage to pull her self down to reach it. Now I noticed it has had puss every 4-12 weeks. The first time I noticed it she smelled funny like poop of course but also like corn chips and whenever the puss comes back so does the dry skin issue. She has “dandruff” along her spine and the base of the tail gets to where you can’t pet her all at the same time, as if the anus is associated with the base of the tail which makes sense because it’s the top side of the colon/anal canal. She doesn’t like it to be even touched with a warm cloth let alone being wiped. It has to be done though but after I do it and I squeeze the puss out the first time I saw it she feels a lot better you can tell she just feels better. It does come back ever so often. The vet has no idea. I don’t change her food EVER she eats the same flavor and same cuts and all. She eats half can of soft food daily and I leave her hard food out for her and Minerva to eat whenever they want. Her poop is soft but isn’t runny it has shape she doesn’t bury hers it is loud smelling too regardless of litter brand. She had fleas when we got her the person that we rescued her from allowed her to come in and out of the house we don’t. She seemed to be allergic to the flea bites. When I got rid of the fleas she started to heal the dry skin area at the base of the tail. I put cortisone on it and hot spot medicine the hair fell out and healed. That’s when it was apparent she was leaking and it came and went. The puss didn’t show up until the first time it flared up after fleas were gone so 3 months after the first time it healed. Then we noticed it smelled like corn chips and the poop was smooshed looking around her anus. She is otherwise healthy and acts like it doesn’t bother her unless you pet her near the tail. This time it came back her whole spine seemed itchy or something she reacted to me petting her. I need to find out what it could be that would cause it to leak clear poop to smoosh onto her bum and her base of tail to make her lick rapidly in the air when it’s pet. If she sees me put rubber gloves on and wet a cloth she hauls. She likes to hide in the window and I noticed it seems to get bothersome when she gets hot maybe coincidence. I need it clean because she loves laying on my pillow and arm of my chair (soft leather recliner). I don’t want to run her off because she wasn’t a lap cat when we rescued her she stayed away from people because of how she was treated and I love that she loves to be pet now and lay with me. I don’t want it to change but I want it to stop itching burning leaking stinking.
Anal Sac Disorders Average Cost
From 388 quotes ranging from $200 - $1,000
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