Blind Quiet Eye in Cats
What is Blind Quiet Eye?
If you suspect your cat has blind quiet eye, take him to a veterinary ophthalmologist. This type of doctor is an ocular specialist. He can diagnose retinal defects and other irregularities related to eye disease. Through his medical expertise, your pet's chances for regaining normal sight increase.
Blind quiet eye is the loss of vision in one or both eyes of a feline without any clear origin, such as inflammation. Common contributors to this condition are age, disease and genetics. Because the underlying cause varies, treatment isn't easy. Pinpointing the source is the best way to determine care.
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Symptoms of Blind Quiet Eye in Cats
Symptoms of blind quiet eye in a cat manifest through physical behavior within six months to two years. Mannerisms become awkward or slow. Noticeable changes display in movement, reflexes, and visual interactions. They are as follows:
  • Sudden falls
  • Excessive tripping
  • Bumping into objects
  • Impaired vision in darkness
  • Odd placement of paws
  • Slow visual responses
  • Refusal to move
Early detection is vital. So when your cat exhibits signs of blind quiet eye, seek medical assistance right away. Schedule an appointment with a veterinary ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Progression of this condition leads to total blindness. 
Causes of Blind Quiet Eye in Cats
The onset of blind quiet eye differs depending on the feline. Some cats are at a higher risk than others. They are older ones or those that suffer from diabetes or genetic disorders. These factors set the stage for common triggers. 
  • SARDS: Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome or SARDS is the gradual deterioration of the retina. As the retina atrophies, it detaches. In cats, this often occurs due to a lack of the amino acid Taurine.
  • Cataracts: A cataract develops when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy or 'opaque'. As a consequence, light cannot travel through to the retina. Subsequently, there is a loss of visual clarity.
  • Optic Nerve Impairments: The optic nerve transmits impulses from the retina to the brain. When defective, it affects vision. This occurs in three different ways: trauma, genetics, and disease. Trauma happens during surgery, or if excessive weight or traction moves the optic nerve. Underdevelopment of the optic nerve sets the stage for malfunction; the medical term is hypoplasia. Cancer (or a tumor) leads to inflammation of the tissue surrounding the optic nerve.
Diagnosis of Blind Quiet Eye in Cats
A veterinarian will give your cat a thorough physical examination and perform laboratory tests to determine the cause of symptoms and rule out systemic causes. An ophthalmic exam will focus on identifying issues with the cornea, retina, and optic nerve.
Treatment of Blind Quiet Eye in Cats
Medical care for blind quiet eye is broad. It's dependent on the underlying source of the condition. A veterinary ophthalmologist might recommend a change of diet or surgery. In some cases, there may be no treatment at all.
  • Taurine Additives: For felines suffering from retina complications related to taurine deficiencies, additives are the cure. Taurine additives in cat food or powder forms are helpful in raising internal levels. They also are inexpensive.
  • Cataract Surgery: Phacoemulsification is a cataract surgery. This procedure involves the emulsification of the cloudy lens with an ultrasonic hand piece. Afterward, a salt solution replaces the aspired fluids. Then, the vet implants an intraocular lens to ensure sight. This procedure requires hospital stay and home care with specialized eye solutions.
  • Lifestyle Changes: If a cat suffers from SARDS, there is no treatment. Instead, medical recommendations involve lifestyle changes. For example, dietary restrictions are a must to avoid obesity because of inactivity.

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Recovery of Blind Quiet Eye in Cats
Blind quiet eye is a condition that diminishes a cat's vision; it isn't fatal. With proper treatment, most felines enjoy a normal life despite this ailment.
Recuperation periods following the diagnosis and treatment of blind quiet eye vary. No standard exists because recovery depends on the origins of the ailment. Also, some animals never get better. Your cat's rendering provider will set timelines for recovery as well as aftercare. Below are a few considerations: 
  • Follow-up visits. If your feline has cataract surgery, he must have frequent follow-up visits with the vet for a while. Risk factors for this procedure include retinal detachment and lens capsule scarring. Both may damage the eye and cause permanent vision loss.
  • Taurine additives. Recovery from taurine deficiencies start at 30 days. Healing begins at the increase of this amino acid in your cat's diet. Watch for side effects such as an upset stomach.
  • Household adjustments. For cats suffering from SAARD, no effective treatment exists. Pet owners must work around the illness. This includes keeping the floor areas clear of small objects to prevent falls and putting their feline on restrictive diets. Regular check ups aid too in overall health maintenance.
Blind Quiet Eye Average Cost
From 568 quotes ranging from $200 - $2,000
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Blind Quiet Eye Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Oci cat
Four Months

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
One Of The Eye Is Cloudy/Different From The Other
We adopted him from a shelter who said he ain't blind in one of his eyes, however one of his eyes look very different from the other. We can't really see the cornea.
Sept. 28, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. It isn't possible for me to see what might be going on with his eyes in the pictures that you sent, and without being able to examine him, I can't comment on his vision. If you are concerned, it would be best to have him seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine him and let you know if he has a problem.
Oct. 8, 2020
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5 Weeks

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Pus In Eye
Rescued an orphaned kitten beat up and one eye bulging (obviously blind). Now it’s oozing yellow pus. Do I keep wiping it off with warm water or is it healing/closing?
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