Diagnosis of prostate enlargement in your cat will begin with a trip to your local veterinarian. During your initial visit, your vet will perform a thorough physical exam and ask for a complete medical history of your cat along with details of their current symptoms. Since your vet can only observe your cat for a short period of time while it is in the office, it will be important to bring a list of behaviors and changes you have observed at home. You should let your vet know if your cat has had difficulty urinating or defecating. You should also let your vet know whether or not your cat has previously been neutered.
Your vet will next check your cat for a fever and will obtain urine and blood samples in order to perform laboratory analysis. Blood will be collected in a quick and painless procedure involving a needle stick through which a small sample will be extracted. Your vet will also collect a urine sample from your cat. Your vet will send these samples to an external lab to test for signs of infection. A urinalysis will help identify signs of blood, pus, or protein in the urine while the blood tests can identify elevated white blood cells.
For a definitive diagnosis, your vet may wish to perform an ultrasound of your cat’s pelvic region. This procedure is painless and involves placing a plastic wand over your cat’s skin which returns images to a screen that your vet can then evaluate. This will allow the vet to view the internal structures of your cat and clearly identify an enlarged prostate and also any masses, tumors, or abscesses. If masses are discovered, your vet may choose to take a biopsy. If easily accessible, this may be done by numbing the tissue surrounding your cat’s prostate area and inserting a small needle. In some cases, your vet may choose to perform surgery to remove the mass in its entirety and biopsy the tissue at that time.