Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection in Cats

What is Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection?

Adult stomach worms attach to the inner lining of the stomach where they feed, reproduce, and lay eggs. The eggs pass through the animal’s digestive tract and are shed through the feces of an infected vertebrate. The contaminated feces is left in the open for coprophagous (feces-eating) insects, which become infested with the stomach worm eggs while feeding. A beetle, cockroach or cricket could serve as an intermediate host. The infected insect is then eaten by natural born insect predators, such as a frog or mouse, where the egg hatches into larvae. That transport host is then eaten by its natural predator (your cat) and the larvae reside in the stomach, maturing into adult parasites. 

The presence of an adult roundworm, known to the veterinary world as a Physaloptera spp, causes irritation to your cat’s stomach lining, leading to the initial symptom of chronic vomiting. As the parasite infection worsens, your cat may lose weight, develop dark diarrhea, which suggests digested blood from stomach ulcerations, and the cat will soon become malnourished.

If your cat is experiencing a case of chronic vomiting and you have not changed her diet, she could be infested with a parasitic stomach worm. A parasitic stomach worm is classified as a nematode, or species of roundworm, that uses felines and other vertebrates as its final host. 

The stomach worm goes through three life stages and three separate hosts during its life cycle. At the egg stage, the parasite requires an intermediate host, as larvae, it needs a transport or paratenic host, and as an adult, the worm uses its final host. 

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Symptoms of Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection in Cats

The presence of one or more parasitic stomach worms in a cat’s stomach can cause irritation to the stomach walls, or gastritis. A feline becomes nauseous due to the parasite-induced gastritis and begins vomiting on a routine basis, known as chronic vomiting. If the feline has a severe number of nematodes inhabiting the stomach organ, the gastric mucosa (the mucus lining that covers the entire inner body of the stomach to prevent stomach acids from corroding the soft tissues) thickens, accumulates fluids (edematous), and causes folding of the inner stomach walls.

Although a parasitic stomach worm infection does not always affect each cat in the same way or clinically affect the feline at all, additional symptoms a cat may present include: 

  • Weight loss
  • Chronic vomiting 
  • Dark diarrhea 
  • Anemia 
  • Bleeding 
  • Chronic gastritis
  • Ulcerations on the stomach wall from nematode attachment
  • Vomiting up worms 


Several species of parasitic stomach worms can be found through the world, however, each species of nematode remains in one geographical area. 

  • Physaloptera felidis is found in North America.
  • Physaloptera rara is found in North America.
  • Physaloptera pacitae is found in Central America.
  • Physaloptera praeputialis is found throughout several world regions.

Causes of Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection in Cats

A cat can be infected with a parasitic stomach worm upon ingestion of an infected intermediate or transport host. Physaloptera worm infections are common in outdoor cats that scavenge or hunt for prey animals. Parasitic stomach worm infections are not zoonotic, meaning that they cannot be transmitted to humans, but the eggs can be shed in the feline’s environment and infect another potential host. 

Diagnosis of Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection in Cats

Your veterinarian will want to rule out other possibilities for your cat’s primary symptom of chronic vomiting. It will be helpful for you to discuss any diet changes you have made, any possible prey animals your cat has caught lately, and if any nematodes are present in your pet’s vomit. A review of your cat’s medical history and a physical examination will also take place at this time to begin the veterinary diagnostic plan. 

Your veterinarian may request a sample of your cat’s feces to complete a fecal flotation test. A fecal flotation test involves a dilution of feces, allowing eggs to rise to the surface and stick to a microscope slide. However, a fecal floatation test often presents a negative result as nematode eggs do not readily float. Your veterinarian may decide to perform a fecal sedimentation (fecal smear) test instead. 

The most effective diagnostic test for a parasitic stomach worm infection in cats is a gastroscopy exam. A gastroscope is a flexible tube with a camera attached that is passed through the esophagus and into the stomach to visualize the problem.

Treatment of Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection in Cats

Parasitic stomach worms can often be removed during the diagnostic exam using the gastroscope. The veterinarian can see exactly where the worms are in your cat’s stomach and pull them out, but worms often hide in the stomach mucus, making additional treatments necessary. Anthelmintic active agents, or deworming medications, such as pyrantel pamoate, ivermectin and Fenbendazole have proven effective against parasitic roundworms in cats. However, these anthelmintic agents are used off-label in felines, meaning your veterinarian is the only one who can approve an appropriate drug regimen.

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Recovery of Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection in Cats

Felines respond very well to anthelmintic active agents, removing the parasitic stomach worm infection completely. Initially after treatment, your cat may still have stomach ulcerations from the detachment of worms and may remain nauseous for a couple of days. Talk to your veterinarian about treating feline nausea at home and how to prevent another parasitic stomach worm infection in your cat.

Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection Average Cost

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Parasitic Stomach Worm Infection Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals

Common cat from shelter


1 Year

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My cat vomit and now her sister vomit. I didnt change diet they are not outdoor cats. I gave her royal canning gastrointestinal pouch and hwe vomit aggain. She started vomiting yesterday her food (she eats royal canin fit 32) and today at 3 am vomit aggain. She was lethargic but yesterday she played.she was treated with a vet a year ago with parasites when I adopted her but was a year ago. She is hidratated too.

Aug. 24, 2018

0 Recommendations

There are various different causes for vomiting in cats which may include parasites (even though they are indoor cats), infections, poisoning, foreign objects, food spoilage among other conditions. If both cats are vomiting, I would recommend visiting your Veterinarian before the weekend for an examination to narrow in on a possible cause. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM

Aug. 24, 2018

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house cat


10 Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Slight Decline In Eating, Lethargic
my cat 6 days ago got taken to the er vet..his stomach was bloated and he was acting lethargic. I couldn't afford the full treatment so i went with there plan B. They extracted 600cc of yellowish colored in his stomach. We brought him home and he seemed for the first day to appear more comfortable and trying to carry on like usual. The second day he seemed to lose some of his control to his back legs. He has been laying around for 5 days now. He gets up uses the litter box (which he has to go down steps)...he is still urinating and bm. his b.m. is turning to straight liquid and he is expelling out alot of worms with a redish blood. My cat declined most food yesterday but got up this morning and licked the liquid off his canned cat food on 3 separate occasions (with in a 2 hour period) and drank little water. he looks alert most times then looks as he is on deaths door. They gave him prednislone but im having a hard time giving it to him. Is there anything else i can give him that might help (like worming meds) I just dont have the money to afford another vet. Im at a loss and wanna save my friend. Im hoping you can help. Thanks Jen

May 19, 2018

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM

0 Recommendations

There are OTC dewormers available from pet stores that treat some types of worms, but without knowing what type of worm he is expelling, it is difficult to say whether that will help. Since you just had him seen by a veterinarian, you may be able to call them and get a dewormer from them for him, since he seems to be having a problem with parasites. Without knowing more about him, I'm not sure that that is the cause of his problems, but it seems to make sense to treat that if you are seeing the worms. I hope that he is okay.

May 19, 2018

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