Brain Parasites in Cats
Brain Parasites in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What are Brain Parasites?
The term “brain parasite” is used to describe any of a number of different parasitic creatures that can affect the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. Cats are susceptible to several different types of parasites that can potentially make their way into the brain and related tissues. Symptoms can range from non-existent to severe and may be fatal in some cases. Parasites in the brain often cause encephalitis or brain inflammation, which causes the majority of symptoms. Cats suffering from a brain parasite may experience behavior changes and issues with muscle control. Parasites are more likely in cats that are allowed outdoors, eat food they catch or raw meat, have immune disorders, or live in cramped conditions with other animals.
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Symptoms of Brain Parasites in Cats
Symptoms of brain parasites can vary, and some cats with parasite activity in the brain and related tissues will never present any symptoms. Most symptoms relate to activity controlled by the central nervous system including muscle control, behavior, and occasionally hearing or vision issues. The cat may also exhibit signs related to parasite infestation in other parts of the body. Parasites in the lungs, gastrointestinal system and urinary tract may have localized as well as neurological symptoms. 
Symptoms Include:
  • Unsteady gait (ataxia)
  • Loss of muscle control
  • General weakness
  • Listlessness
  • Circling
  • Unusual head or neck position
  • Fearlessness
  • Unexplained aggression
  • Lack of appetite
  • Inability to eat or drink
  • Emaciation
  • Deafness
  • Blindness
  • Inflammation of the brain
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Breathing trouble
  • Death
Various types of parasites can make their way into the brain and related tissues. Parasites that can be found in the central nervous system include:
  • Flukes – two types of these parasitic creatures can make their home in the brain. Schistosomes, or blood flukes, and Paragonimus, or lung flukes, have both been found in the central nervous system.
  • Roundworms – this common type of parasite affects various regions of the body, including the brain and spinal column. Varieties that can infest the brain include, Baylisascaris procyonis which can cause brain and eye damage, Dirofilaria immitis or heartworm, and Gurlita paralysans, which causes paralysis. 
  • Myiasis – these are infestations related to insect larvae, and include Cuterebra or botfly larvae, which pets are susceptible to in the summer months in regions where the botfly is found. 
  • Toxoplasma gondii – this single-celled parasite can also infest brain tissues, causing issues. It is commonly present throughout the world and can be passed from cat to human and vice versa. 
Causes of Brain Parasites in Cats
Brain parasites enter your cat’s system much the same way as any parasite. The most common cause is ingestion, usually through a food source like raw meat or wildlife. Risk factors include spending time outdoors, living in cramped quarters with other animals, and unmonitored eating habits. Once inside your pet, the parasite takes full advantage of its host, growing to maturity and laying its own eggs, which further the infestation. When the adult parasites, larvae, or eggs find their way through the bloodstream or nasal passages into the central nervous system, they can cause damage to the brain and other related systems. In some cases, the eggs form cysts that put pressure on brain, eye, and ear structures causing symptoms.
Diagnosis of Brain Parasites in Cats
A veterinarian can diagnose brain parasites by confirming the presence of the parasite, its larvae, or its eggs in your pet’s system if clinical signs point to the condition. Other diseases and disorders can cause similar symptoms, so your veterinarian may need to conduct several tests to rule out other potential issues. Be prepared to discuss your cat’s history, eating habits, and all symptoms you have observed. A physical examination will be followed up with a blood, urine, and fecal analysis. In many cases, spinal fluid will also be obtained and analyzed. Your veterinarian may use additional methods to check for parasites, including imaging technology and contrast dyes.
Treatment of Brain Parasites in Cats
The treatment plan for your pet will vary based on the type of parasite and severity of the symptoms. Many pets will not require any treatment, as some brain parasites have short life cycles and will not continue to cause harm to your cat. If treatment is required, your veterinarian may choose one or more of the following treatment methods:
  • Antiparasitics – This family of drugs may be used to kill off the adult parasites and prevent further damage. There are several versions available that can treat worms and related parasites. Your cat may receive oral or injectable versions. 
  • Analgesics – A type of painkiller, this may be prescribed to your pet if they are experiencing severe pain related to their condition. Your veterinarian will select the safest dose based on your cat’s size and pain level. 
  • Intravenous (IV) Fluids – Lack of appetite and loss of muscle control can make it difficult for your pet to take in food and water. If your cat is experiencing these symptoms or is being hospitalized, IV fluids will likely be provided. 
  • Oxygen Therapy – In the case of respiratory trouble, oxygen may be given to your cat using tubes, masks, or oxygen cages. This will help support your pet’s breathing and blood oxygen levels.
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Recovery of Brain Parasites in Cats
Many cats with a brain parasite will make a full recovery. Continue to follow the directions of your veterinarian, providing the full course of prescribed medications and returning for follow-up visits as needed. Seek assistance immediately if symptoms appear to worsen or don’t get better after several days. It is also a good idea to thoroughly clean your cat’s living area, including all food and water dishes and their litter box. Scoop the litter box daily and wash your hands.
In severe cases, your pet may lose some of its abilities. Vision or hearing loss caused by the brain parasite may be permanent. Even if your cat experiences loss of vision or hearing, they can still lead a full life. Provide your pet additional support and time as they adjust to their new ability level and learn to compensate with their other senses.
Brain Parasites Average Cost
From 438 quotes ranging from $200 - $800
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Brain Parasites Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Not sure
3 or 4 yrs old

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Attacking Other Pets An People Out Of The Blue.
Why would out cat out of no where start attacking us when we haven't done anything wrong.. she had kittens almost 9 weeks ago was acting strange in the kennel so we let her out to walk around an she just started to attach everyone she was biting and scratching my 7 yr old son for no reason.
Sept. 28, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. There are a number of reasons that may have happened, and it is difficult for me to say over an email. There may have been something that scared her, she may have had some hormonal changes related to being in heat again, or she may have had something happen that made her angry. Having her spayed might be the first step in controlling any hormonal changes that she goes through, as that can alter a cat's personality quite dramatically. I hope that everything goes well for her.
Oct. 6, 2020
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Ginger moggy
15 Weeks

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Not Eating For Ages
I’m not sure really if this is part of this. But my 15 week kitten has been having seizures since he was 10 weeks. Went vets twice they don’t know what is wrong. We have stuff to help him just incase it’s hyperglycaemia or epilepsy but he’s just thrown up and turns out he also has tapeworms, can these cause seizures?
Sept. 7, 2018
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10 Months

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Bloat Gas Walking, Eyes,
my cat currently pupils retract with torch lite but when finger goes over no response, she knows who I am and sits forward and moves closer to me. They operated on her and she was full of gas in bowl and intestines, her faeces were unusual, her back legs she took two steps on tippy toes and then sat and then two steps, two vets noticed back pain, urine so thick wouldn't show up on measurement scale and said she has a uti and is dehydrated. She is not eating at the vet and came out of operation yesterday and is on a pain killer but they are going to put her on cortisone tomorrow and hope she has less pain and said it doesn't matter about her wounds just need to get her pain better. We took her to vet with bloating and her walking concern the next day when vet opened he told us he give injection of pain killer and rest her for 10-14 days and then another vet rang us from someone where else and disagreed but they have cut her open done blood test and electrolites and can't figure out what is going on. I just want my girl to come she is only 10 months old and her brother misses her. I just want to know what this is so we can treat it.
Sept. 1, 2018
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Russian Blue Feline
1 Year

9 found this helpful


9 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Loss Of Appetite
Third Eyelid Closed
My cat that is just over a year only went outside on leash and a run due to predators in area. She often stuck her whole arm in burrows and caught small animals. Symptoms developed rapidly, within 12 hours. ER Vet hospital with neurologist was recommended. MRI, Spinal tap, blood tests, IV fluids, ivermectin, prednisone, $4,000. Homecare of veraflox, prednisone, gabapentin, self administered subcutaneous fluids, clinical care food via syringe, milk via kitten bottle. Cat wants to eat on own but is having a hard time locating food with very limited sight out of right eye only. Hasn’t found water fountain at all yet. Mainly eating via syringe. Aggression increases as she is becoming more physically well (neurological and probably fed up with poking/priding/shoving things down throat). She is still playful, follows laser pointer and toys. Peeing in litter box with less frequency and higher volume. Defacation frequency greatly reduced, also due to dehydration and pain medication side effects. We are one month out from onset with great physical and mental gains, though progress is slow and expectations moderate. Hope this helps anyone researching feline ischemic encephalopathy from a cuterebra parasite brain infection.
Aug. 31, 2018
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5 Weeks

1 found this helpful


1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Head Shaking
Heavy Breathing
Took in a rescue kitten that a mother abandoned in my neighbors shed and have taken good care of her,she was great untill today,we have had her for a month now but today she ran in circles bumping into things and after a minute of that she stopped and was stuck in place shaking,she calmed down and drank water and started running again jumping over things,I hold her to stop her from hurting herself and her heart is racing ,she calms down and is monitored for an hour and seems to be back to her old self ,then stumbling as if drunk ,rolling around and eventually diarrhea on herself while laying on her side,,she is breathing heavy and still from time to time kissing balance and falling over ,,I haven't had a chance to get her shots done ,,I am still recovering from paying 1500 in vet bills for my dog in an emergency and other major bills that piled up when taking care of my family,don't have a car right now to take her to the vet and I live in the middle of no where so I need help in what this is and what to do myself while I figure out how i will get her to the vet
July 31, 2018
1 Recommendations
Without examining Shadow it is difficult to say specifically what the underlying cause of the symptoms are; head trauma, congenital abnormalities, parasites, infections, poisoning among other causes may cause similar symptoms. You should ensure that Shadow is up to date on worming (should be every two weeks at this age) and that food is appropriate for age; without examining her I cannot give a specific diagnosis or prescribe a prescription medication but offer supportive and symptomatic care in the meantime and visit a Veterinarian when you have chance. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Aug. 1, 2018
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Domestic Long Haired
9 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Blood In Stool
Loss Off Balance
Paralysis Of Back Right Leg
Urinary Retention
My cat started getting diarreah about 2 weeks ago and started toileting outsuide the litter box. I noticed that she also seemed a bit off balance and wobbly on her hind legs. She was also quite lethargic and seemed depressed. 2 days ago I woke up to her crashing into things as she had completely lost the use of her back right leg. she became over sensitive to sounds and developed FARS. Tested at vets- SHe has lost half her weight (was 4.4kg went down to 2.2kg) in 6 months since her last vet visit. Heart health seems good and paralysed leg still has a pulse though she cant urinate and has to be expressed manually. They have tested her for toxoplasmosis, FIV, FeLV liver, kidney and thyroid function, diabetes. Found slight increase of 2 liver enzymes in blood and high white blood cells- low red blood cell count (anaemia) but all other bloods normal. They have also sent of a bllod smear for mycoplasma but they have no idea what is wrong with her - could it be cause by brain parasites? I have been treating her with natural wormwood as parasite preventionwhich I have since been advised is not a great idea and she has since had a dose of millbemax multi wormer. She is currently on 2 different antibiotics, steroids, and a probiotic as well as ID digestive prescription food.
Domestic long hair
8 Months

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Wobbly Rear Gait
Reluctance To Jump
Sever Muscle Loss In Rear Legs
Can’T Squat
Can’T Walk Properly
Never Stands
My kitten stopped jumping on the bed or the couch. He stopped running around. His rear legs seemed to be dragging so we went to the vet. The vet took an X-ray and and the results came back normal. They did a snap test and those results came back normal too. The blood work Cameron back with elevated MCH and white blood cells. Over the weekend pepper stopped sitting in the litter box and just lies down to pee and poop. The vet thinks that little pepper might have a parasite in his spinal fluid but the tests are thousands of dollars. She also said that because it is rapidly gettting worse the prognosis is poor to grave. I’m really worried about my cat. Any advice?
Brain Parasites Average Cost
From 438 quotes ranging from $200 - $800
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