My pet has the following symptoms:
Oh dear where do we start, first cat Pooha ferrule kitten bit my hand, however loo tray trained in 3 days had him done and off we went on the fish allergy trail. In those days difficult to get fish free foods. He did eat our food so had beef and pork and lamb etc that reduced the problem dramatically. Next was a stray including collar who adopted us. Brought him to France with us and after he started the biggest cat group in France had him done. Sitting in the garden watching him as the females turned up for a bit of rumpy dumpy was funny at first, he got hold of the females necks and off he would go.
Next came a ferrule cat now call 2P. She wanted food and came in for it so I ensnared her and hoped she would calm down, she did not. After a week of yowling and hissing we let her out. She ran up our apple tree, sat there for a week and then one morning opened the back door, she roared down the tree, though the door and begged for food. She used to go in and out but one day came back without the skin on her tail, so that had to come off. She lives here still and now does not bother to go out, but has serious fish problem. Next and also still here Fluffy, had a prolapsed rectum, had her "done" and the prolapse fixed. Daddies little girl that loves her tummy rubbed and her paws played with, Has to be fed away from others, she is a princess dont you know. And then there is Tom, poor old Tom was poisoned when a kitten, turned up here under the bonnet of my daughters car. He does have problems with his life however he copes and he is ruddy romantic. He sits on my lap, falls against me and looks up and rolls his big eyes. I cannot normally sit down without him on my lap. Oh well that is our catistory, if we know nought about cats we damn well should do. It summed it all up, we had to take 2P to the vet, the flea injection caused a problem and they gave her a transfusion. She was sick in the vets for 3 days and would not eat and hissed at the staff and threatened them. I came to see her, they opened the door to the cage, the cat looked at me and lunged, paws around my neck and me supporting her bum (no tail remember) She soon got well but now there is a large sickle hanging over the 1 year flea injection. There thats our 3 wild cats. Ps 2P has been on Hills and away from Canin for about 2-3 days and she is now sleeping peacefully without the regular scratching. Her skin of course is still covered in abrasions from scratching. Hopefully that is it again.