Hibiscus Poisoning in Cats

Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 01/24/2017Updated: 01/12/2022
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
Hibiscus Poisoning in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost

What is Hibiscus Poisoning?

It is also because of these spectacular flowers, and the seed pods that follow the blossoms, that this plant is used medicinally. Humans have long used dried out flowers or seed pods in teas to cure many ailments. The issue is that the bounty of minerals found in these plants can quickly overwhelm the internal system of a small animal, such as a cat, causing illness after consumption. While the exact toxin responsible for this reaction is unknown, the gastrointestinal upset that some cats experience after eating hibiscus blossoms or pods may be due to the high levels of manganese in the plant, which in large doses can be harmful. 

The hibiscus is a very common plant kept in many homes and gardens for both its beautiful appearance and its medicinal uses. It is native to Asia, but can survive the winters in most American climates. Scientifically, it is referred to as “Hibiscus syriacus” of the Malvaceae family but it is commonly called “Rose of Sharon” or “Rose of China”. Hibiscus grows as a shrub or small tree, with strong wooded stems. It is deciduous, so it loses and regrows its large green leaves once every year. The reason that this plant is so well-loved has to do with the gigantic, colorful blossoms that it produces, which can grow up to 6 inches wide. They come in an array of colors, including red, pink, orange and yellow. The long stamens of the flower give them a very memorable shape.

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Symptoms of Hibiscus Poisoning in Cats

Cats who ingest hibiscus blossoms may experience distress in their digestive system shortly after the plant has been eaten. These symptoms are generally mild and not long-lasting. Signs to watch for include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Loss of appetite 

Causes of Hibiscus Poisoning in Cats

Cats or kittens with a curious nature may have many opportunities to come in contact with a hibiscus plant. Many people keep hibiscus in pots inside the home, while others plant large shrubs of it in their gardens. If your cat is allowed outdoors, it very well may come into contact with Hibiscus, as it is likely that the plant is growing somewhere in your neighborhood. A large amount of plant material would need to be eaten for toxic effects to occur.

Diagnosis of Hibiscus Poisoning in Cats

If you witness your cat eating hibiscus, or if you notice obvious damage has been done to the plant or its blossoms, gastrointestinal upset should be expected. If you did not witness your cat eating any plants and it has now begun to display signs of illness, take it to your veterinarian so that it may be professionally assessed. You will be asked to provide the cat's full medical history to help identify and rule out potential causes of symptoms. You may also be asked what plants you keep in and around your home, and if your cat is allowed outdoors.

The veterinarian will then perform a complete physical examination of the cat to look for any abnormalities. While examining the oral cavity, the vet may look for bits of plant material stuck between the teeth or under the tongue. This may be quite visible if the cat has been chewing on the brightly colored flowers of the Hibiscus. Blood samples will be collected so that a complete blood count and a biochemical profile can be run. These tests measure cell counts in the bloodstream and will help reveal any health issues in the cat. Urinalysis will also be performed to assess what the body is expelling with the urine, and how the liver and the kidneys are functioning.

Treatment of Hibiscus Poisoning in Cats

In most cases, treatment will not be needed after a cat consumes hibiscus, as symptoms should pass on their own. If a very severe reaction occurs, treatment to stabilize the cat will be needed.

Supportive Care 

If the cat has been actively ill for a long period of time, it may become dehydrated from expelling fluids without properly replenishing them. If this happens, intravenous fluids may be needed to rehydrate the cat. It will need to be hospitalized throughout this treatment.

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Recovery of Hibiscus Poisoning in Cats

Most cats who consume hibiscus plant material will only experience a mild bout of illness that passes within 48 hours. Monitor your cat through this time and provide it with fresh water as often as possible. If the cat has not recovered in one to two days, take it to your veterinarian so it may be checked for further complications. If you keep hibiscus in your home, do all you can to make it inaccessible to your cat. Keeping your cat indoors may be the only way to protect it from interacting with toxic plants growing in neighborhood gardens. Familiarize yourself with common toxic plants in your area so that you can easily identify them and protect your pet. 

Hibiscus Poisoning Average Cost

From 522 quotes ranging from $200 - $600

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Hibiscus Poisoning Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals






10 Years


21 found this helpful


21 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
I have 2 hibiscus plants which are outside now but, I want to bring them in for the winter, I have a Ragdoll cat and I'm wondering if I should be worried about this. ?

July 23, 2018

21 Recommendations

Whilst hibiscus is considered to be non-toxic it may still cause some gastrointestinal irritation if ingested, I would try to keep your cat separate from the plants but try to place them in a shed or somewhere where Hazel wouldn’t go (utility room etc…). Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants/hibiscus

July 24, 2018

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12 Years


5 found this helpful


5 found this helpful

My cat got out onto the screened lanai last night. I have two hibiscus trees and a Texas blue bell plant out there, along with a pool that is serviced weekly (liquid chlorine). When I let the dogs out this morning she came in and we saw she has trouble keeping her back end up while walking. So signs of pain. Any thoughts? No evidence of broken screen indicating she exited the lanai.

June 20, 2018

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM

5 Recommendations

Without seeing Katelyn, it is difficult for me to say what might be going on, whether it was a trauma, back disease, a systemic disease or a nerve problem. Since it came on so suddenly and severely, it would be a good idea to have her seen by a veterinarian to see what might be going on, and what needs to be done to help her.

June 20, 2018

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Hibiscus Poisoning Average Cost

From 522 quotes ranging from $200 - $600

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