Diagnosis of paraneoplastic syndromes in your cat will begin with your veterinarian ruling out other, similar conditions. Skin scrapings of any sores and other tissue samples may be sent off by your vet to an independent laboratory for analysis. A complete blood panel will also rule out infection or systemic diseases. Blood thyroid tests will rule out hypo- or hyperthyroidism, which will often present with similar symptoms.
A thorough physical examination of your cat, along with a complete history of the progression of symptoms, will also be essential in the diagnosis of paraneoplastic syndrome. You should provide your veterinarian with approximate dates of when symptoms first appeared, along with any changes in the condition. If your cat or your cat’s relatives have a known history of cancer, this will also be important information.
Since diagnosis of these syndromes will depend on identifying the presence of one or more tumors, your veterinarian will also request various imaging tests. These may range from x-rays to MRI or CT scans or ultrasound, depending on the suspected location of the tumor. For many of these types of imaging procedures, your cat will need to be at least mildly sedated and possibly anesthetized.
Having your cat calm and quiet will produce the best images and will allow your vet the best look into the body of your pet. Anesthesia comes with inherent risks. Prior to being anesthetized your vet will run bloodwork and listen to your cat’s heart to ensure it is healthy enough to undergo the procedure. If tumors are located, your vet may also choose to take a sample of the tumor using a fine needle biopsy.