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- Weight loss despite normal or increased food intake
- Anorexia
- Poor hair coat
- Alopecia (hair loss)
- Scratching of the ears
- Dirty ears
- Red, irritated skin
- Itchy, scratchy skin
- Skin lesions
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Coughing
- Slow heartbeat
- Roundworms (intestinal parasite)
- Hookworms (intestinal parasite)
- Tapeworms (intestinal parasite)
- Lungworms (lung parasite)
- Heartworms (heart parasite)
- Fleas: adult fleas are found on the skin of a cat, feeding on the cat’s blood and laying eggs to be shed in the environment. Fleas are an intermediate carrier of the internal parasite, the tapeworm.
- Ticks: ticks attached to the skin, feeding on blood and reproducing. Ticks are also a carrier of Lyme disease, infecting the cat during their blood meal.
- Mites: mites can live within a feline’s hair follicle, on the skin or in the ears.
- Lice: lice live within the fur of a cat.
- A heartworm Test: the veterinarian will require a small blood sample to be placed in the snap-down heartworm test. Results of this test appear within minutes.
- A fecal flotation: the veterinarian will require a fresh fecal sample to dilute and view under the microscope.
- A urinalysis: a small urine sample will be taken from the cat to be analyzed.
- Skin scraping: a test used to detect mites.
- Flea comb: a specialized comb used to collect flea dander (flea feces).
- Physical exam
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