Chiropractic care for cats has over 100 different chiropractic methods, as it depends on the location of the problem and the specific technique the veterinary chiropractor is using. The veterinary chiropractor may use a mechanical adjustment device such as an activator in his or her procedure, or the specialist may simply use their hands to further identify the problem. In general, the veterinary chiropractor will first identify the specific sign of subluxation. Identifying the specific location of the problem may require an x-ray of the feline’s skeletal system, but a physical examination may be the only diagnostic tool used. The affected portion of the cat’s anatomy is located and the underlying bone is stabilized using the adjuster, allowing the actual adjustment to begin.
The adjustment focuses on moving the joint in the specific direction needed to return to its normal functions. The chiropractor’s movements will be a controlled thrust motion, paired with high-velocity and a short elevation. In the spin, one chiropractic adjustment creates an open space lower down in the spinal column that will require a similar method of adjustment. One subluxation causing other areas of the body to become unaligned is referred to as associated subluxations, which will further align the total spinal structure.
After treatment, the veterinary chiropractor will reevaluate the cat’s range of motion and ensure there is no associated pain to be found. The cat will then be allowed to move around the room to further evaluate of the adjustment has made a change in the cat’s gait.