The requirement for this procedure may be ascertained during exploratory surgery or as a result of endoscopy when a tube with a camera and light is passed into the digestive system through the esophagus to view the gastrointestinal structures and any disorders that exist.
If gastroduodenostomy is required, your cat may be given antibiotics prior to surgery and will be administered intravenous fluids during and after the procedure. Your cat will be required to fast several hours before surgery. Prior to surgery, a physical examination will be performed to ensure the cat is fit for surgery and not at risk for undue complications. A sedative, intravenous anesthetic, and gaseous anesthetic via an esophageal tube will be administered. Your cat's abdomen will be shaved and cleaned antiseptically. Surgical drapes to ensure a sterile site will be used.
An incision will be made in your cat's abdomen and tissue manipulated to provide an unobstructed view of the stomach and duodenum. If a gastrectomy is being performed, a portion of the stomach will be removed. Gastric veins and arteries will be tied off as well as blood supply to the duodenum. Diseased tissue is removed as required and an incision will then be made in the remaining stomach and duodenum and a connection, anastomosis, established and sutured or stapled to join the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine. Before closing the abdominal cavity the anastomosis will be observed to ensure leakage and hemorrhage is not occurring.
Postoperative hospitalization for 24 to 48 hours is required for veterinary observation and provision of supportive care through the administration of intravenous fluids, painkillers, and antibiotics.