Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy in Dogs
What is Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy?
When the prostate gland becomes enlarged, pain may accompany urination due to the compression of the urethra. You may see your canine producing only a small amount of urine at a time or he may exhibit discomfort when passing a stool because of the location of the gland and the proximity to the rectum. There are dogs who will not show signs of the condition; an enlarged prostate may be discovered at an annual wellness check.
If the veterinarian suspects a prostate condition, testing will be needed due to the risk of infection as a secondary complication. Neutering is the typical treatment; with timely diagnosis and action, the prognosis can be promising as long as concurrent conditions (such as cancer) are able to be treated as well.
BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlargement of the prostate gland. It is most commonly found in older, unneutered male dogs. Difficulty urinating, pain, and infection can be indicative of this condition.
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Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy in Dogs
BPH is a progressive condition that typically affects intact males over the age of 5. The symptoms involved are:
  • Straining while defecating
  • Bloody urine
  • Blood in semen
  • Urethral discharge that shows at the tip of the genitals
  • Pain
The prostate will expand toward the back of the animal’s legs as it increases its size. If the prostate becomes painful, you will notice your dog walking in an abnormal manner. The dog’s back legs will become stiff, causing him to take shorter steps. The prostate, if it pushes in a forward position will press against the urethra, causing your dog to strain during urination. Some of the accompanying conditions may be an abscess, infection, and cancer. Symptoms of these conditions will present accordingly.
Causes of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy in Dogs
  • Imbalance of the hormones
  • Aging, BPH impacts older canines
  • Enlargement of cells in the prostate
  • Increase in number of cells in the prostate
Diagnosis of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy in Dogs
Your veterinary specialist will conduct an initial rectal examination. This will confirm whether your dog shows signs of a swollen prostate gland. A urine culture can be important to the diagnosis and if your dog is intact, a sample of the semen will be assessed. Blood tests may reveal cancer or infection of the kidneys and liver. Markers such as the creatinine and urea levels will indicate the condition of these organs. The veterinarian will use these tests to exclude other causes, which could be prostatic inflammation or a cyst. Imaging tools such as ultrasound and x-ray will give detailed views of surrounding tissues. If needed, a fine needle aspirate will be performed.
Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy in Dogs
Treatment may include medical management through the administration of medications such as finasteride, though side effects should be expected. Castration of your dog is the most effective treatment. This choice of treatment has shown to be very successful and provides a marked decrease in prostate size within 3 to 6 weeks of the surgery, thereby giving a promising prognosis. 
If there are additional health conditions that may have preceded the prostatic hypertrophy, addressing them should alleviate the enlargement. Dogs who have an enlarged prostate but no clinical symptoms may be monitored only, with visits scheduled by the veterinarian.

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Recovery of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy in Dogs
The follow up after surgery for neutering will be straightforward. Restricted activity for a week to 10 days along with a veterinary visit at the end of this period is standard protocol. At this time, the prostate will not be palpated; expect to return to the veterinary office within the month in order for the veterinarian to evaluate whether the prostate swelling has reduced in size. Pets on medical management will need assessment on a regular basis according to the direction of the veterinary team. 
If after a medical management protocol has commenced or castration has taken place and the prostate size is not regressing, further testing may be done (repeat urinalysis, blood culture, x-ray, and ultrasound). Infection of the prostate is common when swelling is present. In addition, an abscess or cancer must also be ruled out or treated if need be.
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Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
American Staffordshire Terrier
9 Years

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Swollen Lymph Nodes
Enlarged Prostate
Difficult Pee
Hello, before 3 years my dog had a difficult peе for 2 days. Now he has the same problem , but the dog feels good - eat well and play a lot. The Vet said that he has enlarged prostate. Before 3 weeks the lymph nodes on the neck get swollen. Based on this symptoms do you know if the dog has a BPH or it is cancer?
March 5, 2018
0 Recommendations
Without examining Charlie I cannot say what the specific cause is, if he is intact then there is a chance of benign prostatic hyperplasia; however hypertrophy, cancer, cysts, abscess and other causes may lead to an enlarged prostate. A fine needle aspirate is the best way to distinguish between diagnoses if there is a concern. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
March 5, 2018
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