Flank Sucking in Dogs
What is Flank Sucking?
Flank sucking is believed to have a genetic component, and is brought on by stress, anxiety or boredom. Usually it starts as a coping strategy, as the action releases relaxing endorphins. In some cases, it can become obsessive and chronic, creating a cycle of behavior, as anxiety relief is brought from the activity, and then the anxiety returns which leads again to the activity. Dogs with high anxiety might need only minor triggers once the behavior has become habitual. It can progress into the compulsion to hide objects or pica, and can compromise normal behaviors, such as sleeping, playing and eating. Flank sucking can usually be successfully managed by consistent therapy.
Flank sucking is a type of canine compulsive disorder (CCD) that is most often seen in Doberman Pinschers. It is characterized by a dog holding in its mouth, or sucking, a piece of its own flank skin. It is a repetitive act that is related to other nonnutritive sucking behaviors, such as blanket sucking and pica. While seemingly harmless, it can lead to skin, hair, and behavioral issues.
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Symptoms of Flank Sucking in Dogs
Symptoms of flank sucking generally begin before the dog reaches sexual maturity. The behavior can become fixed after the original cause is alleviated, and continue to occur without triggers. Symptoms include:
  • Obsessive sucking, licking or chewing of flank skin or hair
  • Skin irritation
  • Skin sores
  • Skin infections
  • Hair loss
  • Decreased eating
  • Decrease in playing
  • Aggression when approached during flank sucking
  • Pica, or the chewing and ingestion of inedible objects
  • Blanket sucking
  • Hiding to engage in behavior
  • Compulsive hiding or collection of objects
Causes of Flank Sucking in Dogs
It is generally believed that canine compulsive disorders have a genetic origin, with mutations seen on a chromosomal gene and serotonin genes, which are believed to modify the severity of the condition. There are also environmental factors involved. Causes of flank sucking can include:
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Insatiable suckling drive aggravated by an early weaning
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Separation anxiety
  • Insufficient stimulation in environment
  • Previous trauma or abuse
Diagnosis of Flank Sucking in Dogs
A diagnosis of flank sucking is made based on the associated flank skin behavior, other symptoms present, the age symptoms began, triggers of behavior, frequency of behavior, duration of behavior, reaction when behavior is interrupted, and any other medical and behavioral factors.
Your veterinarian may need to rule out other disorders with similar symptoms, such as skin disorders, neurological disease, and pain causing conditions. As part of the diagnosis, medications for pain, itchiness or seizure control may be administered to gauge your dog’s response.
Treatment of Flank Sucking in Dogs
Treatment for this disorder is the same as for other CCDs, and will involve both medication and behavioral techniques. Often, this condition requires lifelong management, but control of symptoms is possible.
Any underlying causes found that may have created or aggravated the behavior will be treated appropriately. A balanced diet is often discussed, and may be modified.
Medications can be used to treat compulsive disorders that control the symptoms by inhibiting the re-uptake of serotonin, but they must be combined with environmental modifications and behavioral therapy. Drugs used to modulate serotonin are types of antidepressants, and can include fluoxetine and memantine. When these two medications are combined, they work synergistically for better results. Clomipramine could also be prescribed.
Behavior Modification
Behavior and environmental modifications include removing stress that causes the behavior and ensuring an enriching environment. First, review your dog’s lifestyle to determine what his stress triggers are, what frustrates your dog, what kind of structure is present in day to day activities, and if there are factors that reinforce the behavior. You may wish to speak with a behaviorist to help create a plan. Ways to accomplish these goals can include:
  • Create and consistently maintain a daily routine that includes feeding, playing, walking and sleeping
  • Provide social interactions on a regular basis
  • Create a restful area for times between social interactions that contains mentally-stimulating items to maintain interest, such as stimulating toys, chew toys, and objects with hidden foods
  • Remove or avoid your dog’s stress triggers or frustrating activities, which can include crating or punishments
  • Remove any unintentional human reinforcement
  • Do not punish behavior, as it can lead to further anxiety
  • Give rewards when desirable behaviors are exhibited
  • Create distractions using counter-conditioning techniques when behavior is exhibited to redirect your dog’s attention
  • Ensure your dog gets plenty of exercise, at least 60 to 90 minutes per day for large dogs
  • Try calming audio or video recordings to play while your dog is left alone if he suffers from separation anxiety
  • Stimulate your dog’s learning by using new commands, engaging in sports, and through obedience training
If flank sucking progresses into pica, your dog may need surgery to remove ingested inedible objects.

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Recovery of Flank Sucking in Dogs
Even if treatment is successful and behavior is stopped, reoccurrence of the behavior is always possible. Successful management usually needs lifelong attention. Anticipate and reduce your dog’s triggers, and learn how to recognize the behavior and redirect when necessary. In some cases, prevention of this condition may be achieved by not breeding affected dogs.
Flank Sucking Average Cost
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Flank Sucking Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
GSD/Sheltie mix
7.5 months

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Sucks On His Thigh/Knee Of His Left Or Right Hind Leg
I read the info on the page about flank sucking. Finnigan was weaned BERY EARLY because his mom died shortly after the pups were born. He also sucks and chews his hind feet. I take him out and let him run every day and of course he goes potty!! He is very obedient and is trained to be off leach whenever I am with him but only at home! Whenever we are out, he is always on a leash. What could be wrong?? He is the SWEETEST little guy! He was the runt of the little. All the pups were bottle fed! I am taking him to have his shots and neutered on Monday! He is very small! Only about 13” tall 15#
Sept. 27, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. This may be normal for him, given his history. If you are concerned, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine them, see what might be going on, and get treatment for them.
Oct. 14, 2020
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Doberman Pinscher
Kylo Ren
2 Years

2 found this helpful

2 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Licking & Sucking On Skin
My male Doberman is 25 months old & neutered. He licks his front legs repeatedly, to the point of leaving wet circles behind on whatever surface he was laying. He also sucks on the flap of skin between his hind leg and abdomen, always on the right side. He is beginning to leave suck marks on his skin, which is noticeable now because his fur is thinning in that spot. The odd thing is that he only does these things at night, while we are asleep. He is my mobility/counterbalance service dog, and stays by my side at all times unless we are asleep. Only then does he go to his bowls to eat and drink. The marks on his skin are so noticeable that I’m worried about taking him out in public for fear people will assume they’re bruises from being beaten. What can I do to fix this problem?
March 1, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
2 Recommendations
Thank you for your email. Kylo may have a behavioral problem, an allergy, a bacterial infection, or a parasite. it would be best to have him seen by a veterinarian, as they can see the behavior, see what he is doing, and suggest any treatment that might be necessary.
March 2, 2018
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