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- Light-headedness
- Presyncope (light-headedness, muscular weakness, blurred vision and feeling faint)
- Syncope (loss of consciousness due to drop in blood pressure)
- Rapid heart rate
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Slower heart rate
- Heart failure
- First-degree - First-degree atrioventricular block rarely exhibits any symptoms and is typically found in younger dogs with a high vagal tone (refers to the activity of the vagus nerve on the brainstem). Treatment isn’t necessary unless underlying conditions warrant it.
- Second-degree - Second-degree atrioventricular block can be broken into two categories, Mobitz type I and Mobitz type II. Mobitz type I also occurs in younger dogs who are more active. Treatment is not necessary unless the block causes other problems, such as bradycardia. Mobitz type II is caused by disease, though there may be no symptoms exhibited. There is a risk of developing complete atrioventricular block.
- Third-degree - In third-degree atrioventricular there are no impulse transmissions between the atria and ventricles. Mild symptoms will likely appear. Treatment is required.
- Idiopathic fibrosis (a disease in which lung function declines progressively)
- Sclerosis (atypical hardening of body tissue) of the conduction system (cardiac muscles in the walls of the heart)
- Ischemic heart disease (hardening of the arteries)
- Drugs, specifically beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, digoxin, and amiodarone, which are used to treat heart-related problems
- Increased activity of the vagus nerve, located in the brainstem
- Valvulopathy (stiff/inflamed heart valve)
- Other heart or genetic disorders
- Physical exam
- Complete blood count
- Chemistry profile
- Electrocardiogram
- X-Rays of the heart
- Echocardiogram
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