The pit viper gets its name from the way this type of snake detects the presence of its prey or danger. All of these types of snakes have small pits between its eye and nostril on each side which can detect heat. Since they have very bad eyesight, they use these heat pits to detect the heat from your body along with vibrations in the ground when you (or your dog) approaches them. It is easy to distinguish these snakes from other snakes because they have a triangular head, two long fangs that can retract, oval shaped eyes, and the rattlesnakes actually have a rattle on the end of their body that they shake to make the noise that these types of snakes are famous for. The rattlesnake bite is the number one cause of snakebites in North America even though they do not bite unless they feel threatened. If the bite is treated right away, it is usually not fatal. As a matter of fact, pit vipers do not use venom in approximately one out four cases.
If your dog gets bitten by a rattlesnake or other type of pit viper (i.e. copperhead, water moccasin) it is best to keep them calm and take them to an emergency animal hospital if your veterinarian is not available immediately. The venom causes a type of blood poisoning in your dog that will stop the blood from being able to clot effectively, making excessive bleeding a major concern. Even if you cannot see the blood, your dog could be bleeding internally. This toxin also causes tissue damage and death, low blood pressure, and neurological damage. It is vital that you get your dog to the veterinarian immediately after the snake bite because the sooner you get your dog treated, the better the chances of survival.
Pit vipers are poisonous snakes that include rattlesnakes, copperheads, and water moccasins (cottonmouths). If your dog is bitten by any of these snakes, it is a life-threatening emergency and you need to take him to the veterinarian or animal hospital immediately. The venom from these snakes causes injury to the soft tissues, respiratory distress, kidney damage, destruction of the blood vessels, the inability for the blood to clot, and necrosis (dead tissue). If not treated right away, the damage will be irreversible and will result in loss of a limb or death.