2 min read

Your Wag! Walks Help Feed Shelter Dogs Like Aspen!

Some happy-ending stories start out sadly. This is one of those. 

The dog’s name was Aspen, and her previous pet parents reached out to Great Babies Rescue in Paoli, Indiana, because they wanted to find her a new home. They said they'd just had a baby and had moved Aspen out of the house and into the backyard because she had started “acting out.”

Touch and go for Aspen

When the rescue volunteers went to pick up Aspen on Thanksgiving Day, they found her emaciated and freezing. In fact, she was in such poor condition, her life was touch and go for the first 24 hours after she was rescued.

As a result of Great Babies Rescue’s loving care, and pet food provided by GreaterGood.org’s Rescue Bank, Aspen was able to recover. 

It took almost a year before Aspen was healthy enough for adoption. She had multiple inquires and several “meet and greets” with potential adopters, but she showed no interest or connection with any of them. 

A mutual adoption

Then a veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome contacted the rescue organization. He said he’d seen Aspen and heard her story and that Aspen reminded him of one of his previous dogs.

This veteran wanted to meet Aspen as soon as possible, and when he did, there was an instant connection. Aspen adopted this hero-in-need who, in turn, adopted her. She has been officially trained as a PTSD companion service animal and is living a life full of purpose and filled with love.

The folks at Great Babies Rescue say they’re able to save animals like Aspen because of GreaterGood.org’s Rescue Bank. They say the food donations are a blessing in meeting the nutritional needs of their animals. Great Babies Rescue uses approximately 150 pounds of kibble a day. Without Rescue Bank, the organization couldn’t save the animals that it rescues.

How your walks with Wag! help

Your walks with Wag! help thousands of dog rescue organizations across the country, including Great Babies Rescue, do their work. That’s because Wag! donates a portion of our walk proceeds to GreaterGood.org’s Rescue Bank, which provides food to these rescue organizations. 

Not only does that help feed shelter dogs, it also allows these nonprofits to spend money that would’ve gone toward food on other types of services, including veterinary care for their pups.

A happy ending

So there you are. Aspen not only has a new home with a loving pet parent, but she’s also providing him the trained-companion support he needs following his military service. Story endings don’t get much happier.

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