Dog Boarding in Montgomery

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Hailey B avatar

1. Hailey B

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Montgomery, AL, 36111

from$78per night

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5 (6)

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from$78per night

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Montgomery, AL, 36111

Tessa W avatar

2. Tessa W

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<div display="flex" flexDirection="column" maxWidth="250px" textAlign="start" position="relative" zIndex="2" data-sentry-element="Box" data-sentry-component="Flex" data-sentry-source-file="Flex.tsx" boxSizing="border-box" class="sc-9770ce14-0 cRqICV"><p color="#474747" font-family="Muli Bold" font-size="16px" font-weight="800" m="0" textAlign="inherit" class="sc-9770ce14-0 kXtpzv sc-4195ecd0-0 giqRxo" data-sentry-element="Component" data-sentry-component="BaseTypography" data-sentry-source-file="Typography.tsx" boxSizing="border-box">Verified Wag! Expert</p><p color="medGray" font-family="muli" font-size="12px" m="0" mt="4px" textAlign="inherit" class="sc-9770ce14-0 NsDOR sc-4195ecd0-0 giqRxo" data-sentry-element="Component" data-sentry-component="BaseTypography" data-sentry-source-file="Typography.tsx" boxSizing="border-box">This walker has successfully passed a background check by a third party provider.</p></div>
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Montgomery, AL, 36106

Five stars

5 (21)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Location icon

Montgomery, AL, 36106

How to book pet caregivers near me
  • skip the kennel icon

    Skip the kennel

    Sittings take place at your home and boardings take place at your pet caregiver's home.

  • flexible transportation icon

    Flexible transportation

    All pet caregivers offer pick-up and drop-off for boarding services.

  • live updates icon

    Live updates

    Your pet caregiver will send photos and videos throughout the service in addition to a thorough report card.

Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Customer Reviews

Going on vacation? Dog Boarders through Wag! are available to care for your pup whenever you’re not. Every dog boarder has passed an enhanced background check. Get updates and photos through the app from the pet boarder while you are away.

Nicholas C.-avatar



Your the best! Thank you for the quick visit and taking such good care of them! You saved the day

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Your the best! Thank you for the quick visit and taking such good care of them! You saved the day

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Nicholas C.-avatar



Your the best! Thank you for the quick visit and taking such good care of them! You saved the day

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Montgomery

Walk n’Wag

This is simply the most paw-fect walk for your doggy team! Held every October at Blount Cultural Park, this mile-long walk is suitable for all levels of athlete. You can register your doggy team at the time of ticket purchase. Tickets cost $20 per person and children under 6 are free! No person is permitted to walk more than two dogs, and you must be sure that your dog can walk the mile-long trail. It’s a sniff-tastic, lip slobbering time for your favorite pooch!

Annual Pet Photo Contest

The Montgomery Humane Society holds an annual Pet Photo Contest. It costs just $10 to submit a photo of your four'legged family member and to vote it costs $1 per time. This is a fun fundraiser for the shelter and enables it to provide its services to the animals. Dress up your pooch, take a pic and have a ball! And if you have multiple pets, there's no need to play favorites! Feel free to enter as many pictures as you'd like (of as many pets as you'd like, too!)

Capitol Oyster Bar

Situated by the Alabama River in downtown Montgomery, The Capitol Oyster Bar is a wonderful seafood restaurant that caters to your pet. They have a selection of pet food on offer and have a reputation for really looking after your favorite pooch. A superb location with a delicious menu on offer, this is a serious contender if you want to dine out and would like to take your dog! It is the perfect place for those special moments, like Birthdays or holidays. Your pet dog will adore being pampered and you can put your feet up too. A treat for the whole family!

The Hannah Daye Ridling Bark Park

This gorgeous park is located off Vaughn Road in Blount Cultural Park. The main entrance to the dog park separates into two sections, one dedicated to smaller dogs and one for the larger dogs. In each of these smaller sections is a gazebo and a wash station. There are also a selection of benches and fountains found throughout these small parks. Great if you are thinking of having a picnic or wanting your dog to be socialized. A sniff-tastic time to be had by all the family.

Downtown Dog Park

The Rotary Dog Park opened its doors in September and was then commissioned by the River Region Rotarians and the Pet and Playground Products. Situated next to the parking space for the Montgomery City Hall, it was set up for the local residents and for the future anticipated residents that own pets. The park has a wonderful fountain and beautiful, flowering mature trees. At the moment it has its infrastructure in place like fencing etc. and is expected in the next production will install agility equipment. So this park will have some serious play toys for future dogs. Keep an eye out for this wonderful park.
Frequently asked questions
How much does a dog boarding cost in Montgomery, AL?
How do I find and choose a pet sitter in Montgomery, AL?
Do pet sitters stay overnight?
How to book a dog boarding or pet sitting in Montgomery, AL?
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