Dog Boarding in Bridgewater

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Best dog boarders in Bridgewater

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Best dog boarders in Bridgewater

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1. Isabella D

Harrisonburg, VA, 22801

Five stars

5 (20)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Harrisonburg, VA, 22801

2. Giavanna M

Rockingham, VA, 22801

from$69per night

Five stars

5 (9)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$69per night

Rockingham, VA, 22801

3. Hannah G

Harrisonburg, VA, 22801

Five stars

5 (0)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Harrisonburg, VA, 22801

4. Molly R

Harrisonburg, VA, 22801

Five stars

5 (1)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Harrisonburg, VA, 22801

5. Caroline M

Harrisonburg, VA, 22802

Five stars

5 (1)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Harrisonburg, VA, 22802

How to book pet caregivers near me
  • Skip the kennel

    Sittings take place at your home and boardings take place at your pet caregiver's home.

  • Flexible transportation

    All pet caregivers offer pick-up and drop-off for boarding services.

  • Live updates

    Your pet caregiver will send photos and videos throughout the service in addition to a thorough report card.

Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Customer Reviews

Going on vacation? Dog Boarders through Wag! are available to care for your pup whenever you’re not. Every dog boarder has passed an enhanced background check. Get updates and photos through the app from the pet boarder while you are away.

barbara M.-avatar



Oh thank you so much tango has his own path to walk in the park. He s going to tell you where he wants to go and basically he loves the baseball field so he s gonna try to get you to go ups a cardiac hill to get you down by the baseball field if you walk him again when you do that he wants to collect the hard balls so you can bring them in the baseball field if nobody s there And you can drop his leash. He s not going to run away from you. He just wants to collect the balls and if he gets too far from you and you re nervous, all you Gotta do is just yell help and he ll come running right towards you, but he is a big Moshe seven going on three months. He s got a lot of anxiety him and if he sees something that s big or Like on the walk somethings big that s not normally there by the house by the apartment. And I want to go another way so I just go the other way because he does have a Lotta angry idiosyncrasies and he gets stressed out a lot, so I just take a different way. I let him have fun it s his walk But I m glad you liked walking him and I will put you down as a preferred walker. Please contact me at 646-286-4728.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
barbara M.-avatar



Oh thank you so much tango has his own path to walk in the park. He s going to tell you where he wants to go and basically he loves the baseball field so he s gonna try to get you to go ups a cardiac hill to get you down by the baseball field if you walk him again when you do that he wants to collect the hard balls so you can bring them in the baseball field if nobody s there And you can drop his leash. He s not going to run away from you. He just wants to collect the balls and if he gets too far from you and you re nervous, all you Gotta do is just yell help and he ll come running right towards you, but he is a big Moshe seven going on three months. He s got a lot of anxiety him and if he sees something that s big or Like on the walk somethings big that s not normally there by the house by the apartment. And I want to go another way so I just go the other way because he does have a Lotta angry idiosyncrasies and he gets stressed out a lot, so I just take a different way. I let him have fun it s his walk But I m glad you liked walking him and I will put you down as a preferred walker. Please contact me at 646-286-4728.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
barbara M.-avatar



Oh thank you so much tango has his own path to walk in the park. He s going to tell you where he wants to go and basically he loves the baseball field so he s gonna try to get you to go ups a cardiac hill to get you down by the baseball field if you walk him again when you do that he wants to collect the hard balls so you can bring them in the baseball field if nobody s there And you can drop his leash. He s not going to run away from you. He just wants to collect the balls and if he gets too far from you and you re nervous, all you Gotta do is just yell help and he ll come running right towards you, but he is a big Moshe seven going on three months. He s got a lot of anxiety him and if he sees something that s big or Like on the walk somethings big that s not normally there by the house by the apartment. And I want to go another way so I just go the other way because he does have a Lotta angry idiosyncrasies and he gets stressed out a lot, so I just take a different way. I let him have fun it s his walk But I m glad you liked walking him and I will put you down as a preferred walker. Please contact me at 646-286-4728.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Frequently asked questions
How much does a dog boarding cost in Bridgewater, VA?
How do I find and choose a pet sitter in Bridgewater, VA?
Do pet sitters stay overnight?
How to book a dog boarding or pet sitting in Bridgewater, VA?

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