Dog Boarding in Lynchburg

Browse Pet Caregiver profiles below to find the best dog boarder for your pet’s needs. Find nearby dog boarders who are experienced with your dog’s breed, age or size. Then choose from the available Caregivers to submit a request for your preferred date and time.
Best dog boarders in Lynchburg

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Best dog boarders in Lynchburg

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1. Amber B

Lynchburg, VA, 24515

from$50per night

Five stars

5 (25)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$50per night

Lynchburg, VA, 24515

2. Elizabeth M

Lynchburg, VA, 24503

from$59per night

Five stars

4.8 (10)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$59per night

Lynchburg, VA, 24503

3. Kelvin A

Lynchburg, VA, 24502

from$91per night

Five stars

4.8 (80)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$91per night

Lynchburg, VA, 24502

4. Lacie D

Lynchburg, VA, 24504

Five stars

5 (20)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Lynchburg, VA, 24504

5. Nicholas S

Lynchburg, VA, 24503

Five stars

5 (5)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Lynchburg, VA, 24503

6. Laura W

Timberlake, VA, 24502

from$59per night

Five stars

5 (13)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$59per night

Timberlake, VA, 24502

7. Heaven T

Madison Heights, VA, 24572

Five stars

5 (53)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Madison Heights, VA, 24572

8. Clista F

Forest, VA, 24551

from$45per night

Five stars

3.7 (2)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$45per night

Forest, VA, 24551

How to book pet caregivers near me
  • Skip the kennel

    Sittings take place at your home and boardings take place at your pet caregiver's home.

  • Flexible transportation

    All pet caregivers offer pick-up and drop-off for boarding services.

  • Live updates

    Your pet caregiver will send photos and videos throughout the service in addition to a thorough report card.

Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Customer Reviews

Going on vacation? Dog Boarders through Wag! are available to care for your pup whenever you’re not. Every dog boarder has passed an enhanced background check. Get updates and photos through the app from the pet boarder while you are away.

Zach E.-avatar



Nicholas was great! Very communicative and flexible for whatever the boys needed.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars



This was my first experience with wag and I m really happy with it! I love the live feed of the walk!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
pam W.-avatar



Thank you! Bogey had a wonderful day because of you! She had extra energy built up from the rainy weekend. This long walk was wonderful for her! It has gotten our week off to a great start!!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
amy F.-avatar



Thank you so much for the great card you gave to my beloved , pets !!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Dianne  M.-avatar




Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Dianne  M.-avatar



Keep up the training I am so grateful for you

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Dianne  M.-avatar



Kelvin is absolutely fantastic and my dog,Maggie,loves him. He wears her out so she always takes a long nap afterwards!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Maxwell P.-avatar



Always recommend heaven! She provided a few videos and always some kind words

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Maxwell P.-avatar



Fantastic job! Provided pictures and the extra mile.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Dianne  M.-avatar



Thanks for crating her

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Zach E.-avatar



Nicholas was great! Very communicative and flexible for whatever the boys needed.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars



This was my first experience with wag and I m really happy with it! I love the live feed of the walk!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
pam W.-avatar



Thank you! Bogey had a wonderful day because of you! She had extra energy built up from the rainy weekend. This long walk was wonderful for her! It has gotten our week off to a great start!!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
amy F.-avatar



Thank you so much for the great card you gave to my beloved , pets !!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Dianne  M.-avatar




Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Dianne  M.-avatar



Keep up the training I am so grateful for you

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Lynchburg

Chalk Festival

As the summer draws to a close, the Riverfront Chalk and Art Festival brings the Lynchburg community to the parking lot near the downtown mural for a day of art and community. This block party will not only be the site of dozens of local aspiring artists laying down their next big piece, but will also feature food trucks, family games, and other summertime favorites. Entry to the festival is only $3 per person, but artists looking to participate in the art contest are responsible for additional fees. Leashed dogs are welcome, but they might walk away with colorful paws.

Wags & Wine

Wine down with your favorite canine at Lazy Days Winery on their Sangria Saturday series meant especially for dogs! Live music will be playing the majority of the day with drink specials at the ready for a day of lazy summertime sunshine in the vineyard. Leashed dogs are welcome to explore the sweeping vineyard with their humans while enjoying a local Lynchburg glass of red or white. Admission to Sangria Saturdays is free, and the views of the Blue Ridge Mountains are absolutely priceless.

Bluegrass, Barbeque, and Brews Festival

Give me bluegrass, barbecue, and brews or give me death! Kicking off on Patrick Henry Red Hill, the Bluegrass, Barbecue, and Brews Festival brings all of the best parts of the American South into one historical landscape. Enjoy a local Virginia brew and barbeque platter while listening to the sweet sounds of the banjo with your furry friend. This event is for folks of all ages, though drinking tickets are only available to those over the age of 21. Tickets include a free glass, two tastings, and access to food and music for only $20.

International Festival

In Downtown Lynchburg at Rivertown Park, the City of Lynchburg puts on the International Festival, bringing the diversity of the city to the forefront for all to experience. There will be live music and dancing demonstrations, all sorts of different international foods and crafts, and games for the kids. Experience the traditional dance of the Monacan Indian tribe or a spicy rice platter from the Philippines. Admission is free, and leashed animals are welcome so long as they can tolerate crowds. Join Lynchburg locals in celebrating the cultures of the world each year!

Dog Jog

If you are looking for a way to stay fit and give to a great cause, the Boonsboro VCA Animal Hospital puts on an annual Dog Jog. Most recently, the Dog Jog benefited the Lynchburg Police Department’s K9 Department by raising money for bulletproof vests. This 5K run spans all throughout Lynchburg, and participants are given a t-shirt with registration. The cost to participate is $30, and racers have access to several vendors following the finish. Dogs participate for free so long as handlers only have one.
Frequently asked questions
How much does a dog boarding cost in Lynchburg, VA?
How do I find and choose a pet sitter in Lynchburg, VA?
Do pet sitters stay overnight?
How to book a dog boarding or pet sitting in Lynchburg, VA?

Learn more in the Wag! app

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43k+ reviews


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