Dog Boarding in Janesville

Browse Pet Caregiver profiles below to find the best dog boarder for your pet’s needs. Find nearby dog boarders who are experienced with your dog’s breed, age or size. Then choose from the available Caregivers to submit a request for your preferred date and time.
Best dog boarders in Janesville

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Best dog boarders in Janesville

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1. Danielle L

Janesville, WI, 53548

Five stars

5 (1)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Janesville, WI, 53548

2. Marie T

Janesville, WI, 53546

Five stars

5 (1)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


Janesville, WI, 53546

3. Zachary M

Rock, WI, 53546

from$73per night

Five stars

5 (6)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$73per night

Rock, WI, 53546

4. Melissa W

Janesville, WI, 53548

from$59per night

Five stars

5 (25)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$59per night

Janesville, WI, 53548

How to book pet caregivers near me
  • Skip the kennel

    Sittings take place at your home and boardings take place at your pet caregiver's home.

  • Flexible transportation

    All pet caregivers offer pick-up and drop-off for boarding services.

  • Live updates

    Your pet caregiver will send photos and videos throughout the service in addition to a thorough report card.

Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Customer Reviews

Going on vacation? Dog Boarders through Wag! are available to care for your pup whenever you’re not. Every dog boarder has passed an enhanced background check. Get updates and photos through the app from the pet boarder while you are away.

Lindsay K.-avatar



Got awesome updates from Melissa and adorable photos of my fur babies during the drop-in visit. thanks!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Laima L.-avatar



Luki had a great time. Melissa is her new favorite:)

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars



My dogs loved her. !! I can t wait to have her again .

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Juli Y.-avatar



Thanks for the video and updates! This is just what Mr. Cooper needs!! Thanks so much! Great job!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Leah O.-avatar



thank you!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Amy N.-avatar



Melissa was wonderful! My dog was definitely sad to see her go. Can t recommend her enough!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Lindsay K.-avatar



Got awesome updates from Melissa and adorable photos of my fur babies during the drop-in visit. thanks!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Laima L.-avatar



Luki had a great time. Melissa is her new favorite:)

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars



My dogs loved her. !! I can t wait to have her again .

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Juli Y.-avatar



Thanks for the video and updates! This is just what Mr. Cooper needs!! Thanks so much! Great job!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Leah O.-avatar



thank you!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Amy N.-avatar



Melissa was wonderful! My dog was definitely sad to see her go. Can t recommend her enough!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Janesville

Pooch Fest

Each September, before closing for the season, the City of Janesville Parks Division welcomes canines to Palmer Park’s West Pavilion & Wading Pool for a day of swimming and happy tails. Pack a bag and bring your fur-kid to the pool for Pooch Fest! Pet service-related businesses and non-profits are on hand to provide information about their goods and services. Proceeds from the event benefit Paw Print Park!  

Pooch Pull

Hosted by the Humane Society of Southern Wisconsin, in collaboration with the Alaskan Malamute Club of Wisconsin, Pooch Pull is a great wintertime event for dog lovers! Athletic pups will compete in a pulling competition, with top dogs pulling 12 times their body weight! Chili, hot beverages, and baked goods will be available for a suggested donation. And don’t miss out on the 50/50 raffle. Proceeds from the event benefit the Humane Society of Sothern Wisconsin!

Festival Foods Turkey Trot Dog Jog

Start a new Thanksgiving Day tradition at the Turkey Trot Dog Jog! Hosted by Festival Foods, the Janesville event takes place at Craig High School. Each Thanksgiving, Festival Foods hosts Turkey Trot in ten communities across the state—making it the largest running event based on registered participants in Wisconsin! Humans and canines must register for the 2-mile Dog Jog, with proceeds from the event benefiting the local Boys & Girls Club and YMCA. Human registration is $20 and includes a long sleeve t-shirt, pumpkin pie, and single-serve bag of coffee! Pup registration is $5 and includes a Turkey Trot bandana and coupon for a dog treat.

Pet Photos with Mr. & Mrs. Claus

Support Friends of Noah All Breed Animal Rescue and get in the Christmas spirit at Pet Photos with Mr. & Mrs. Claus! Dogs, cats, and humans are welcome to come get their picture taken with the North Pole’s only and most famous residents. Proceeds benefit the rescue and help animals in Rock County. Pet food donations will also be collected to benefit area shelters. Photo session time slots are limited and reservations are required.

Dog exercise areas

Janesville is home to three dog exercise areas! Designated portions of Palmer Park and Rock River Parkway are open to unleashed pets, but they are not fenced in. You may run or train your pup off leash in these areas as long they are under your control at all times. Pets—leashed or not—are not permitted in Janesville parks and trails between May 15 and September 15, except in these designated portions. Paw Print Park is a fenced-in dog park within Prairie Knoll Park where you can run your fur-friend off leash year-round! A daily or annual permit is required at Paw Print Park.
Frequently asked questions
How much does a dog boarding cost in Janesville, WI?
How do I find and choose a pet sitter in Janesville, WI?
Do pet sitters stay overnight?
How to book a dog boarding or pet sitting in Janesville, WI?

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