
A native US breed, the Boston Terrier was originally created to be a pit fighter. These days, however, this bright little breed is more of a lover, making people laugh with their lively antics. With puptastic manners and tuxedo-like markings, the Boston Terrier has been dubbed “The American Gentleman.” Always a joy to be around, Bostons make furrific family pets. Not only do they love children, but they're also ideal housemates for older people and apartment dwellers. Despite their small size, they need daily exercise to discourage undesirable behaviors. If you're looking for a portable breed that's amusing and affectionate, the Boston Terrier might be the canine companion for you!

Home Preparation

Due to short nose and coat, Boston Terriers don't do well in extreme heat or cold, and must be kept indoors. Make your house safe for your puppy before their arrival by hiding or putting away anything that could hurt them, including electrical cords, household chemicals, poisonous plants, medicines, and small objects. Remember to move valuable and breakable items out of reach as well. If you have a yard, make sure that the fence is sturdy and that there are no gaps under it. Don't forget to go shopping for some basic items, too. Your Boston will need puppy food, some treats, chew toys, a collar and leash, food and water dishes, grooming tools, a comfy bed, and a crate. If there are sections of the house that are off-limits, you can block them off using baby gates.

Create a Schedule

Having a routine speeds up housetraining and helps your pooch adjust to their new environment, so create a schedule and delegate responsibilities to everyone in the household before puppy's homecoming. Determine who will be the primary caretaker, and figure out who will be in charge of feeding the pup three to four times a day, taking them outside for walks and potty breaks, and bringing them to the vet for vaccinations and health checks. If everyone works or goes to school full-time, enlist the help of a Wag! walker so that your Boston has a chance to relieve themselves outside during the day. Be sure to make time for grooming. Regular brushing removes loose hairs and keeps your Boston pup's coat in furbulous condition!

What to Expect the First Week

Your Boston Terrier will likely miss their family and feel overwhelmed during the first couple of days. Keep their surroundings calm and pleasant to help them settle in. Place their crate or bed next to your bed to help them sleep through the night. Be patient as your pup learns about their new home and family. Since they will also be teething, have chew toys on hand to minimize inappropriate chewing. Spend lots of time with your Boston puppy, and they should feel at home in no time!


Boston Terriers respond well to gentle corrections and praise.

Don't Overfeed

Bostons can become overweight if you let them stuff their face!


Boston Terriers are susceptible to snoring.
A Walk For A Healthier Pup
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A Walk For A Healthier Pup
Give your pup some extra love and fresh air with this Wag! Walk
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