
Imagine having a friend who’s always happy to see you, who never tires of your company, and who loves you every day of every year. That’s what it’s like to have a dog. Since dogs love unconditionally and are pawsome companions, it’s impawtant that their parents give them a furrific life in return. Besides the treats, walks, and endless cuddles, that means keeping them safe. Making sure they always have proper identification and registration gives you peace of mind and protects your favorite furry friend. Keep reading to find out how to register your canine buddy with the city of Dallas.

Reasons to Register Your Dog

Not sure about registering your pooch? Well, keep in mind that it’s the law. Every city across the country has its own method of registering canine citizens. Recently, the Dallas City Council voted to replace pet registration with mandatory microchipping. Every dog that is four months or older must have a current microchip. Even though microchipping is different than registering your pooch and attaching a license tag to their collar, the purpose is still the same- identification. If your four legged friend gets out, their microchip will not only identify them, but also you. Animal services officers can quickly scan their chip, see your infurmation, and get your furry friend back home safe where they belong. In Dallas, there are several neighborhoods that have an issue with loose dogs. Hopefully, this process will help owners to be more responsible and keep wandering dogs to a minimum.

Registering Your Dog in Dallas

Not quite sure what it means to microchip your pup? It can seem like a strange concept to those new to the idea. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice. It is injected under your dog’s skin between their shoulder blades. The chip has a unique ID code that is registered with your contact infurmation, so your pup is always connected to you. Per Dallas City Code, pet parents must keep their contact infurmation current. If you move or change phone numbers, you have 30 days to update your infurmation. You have a few options when it comes to getting your pal microchipped. Of course you can have it done at your local vet clinic. The procedure is quick and safe. Dallas also has several mobile vet clinics that assist with microchipping. You can also stop by Dallas Animal Services any day of the week and have it done.

Licenses and Fees in Dallas

As any pet parent can attest, owning a dog can be pricey. Besides the monthly cost of food and toys, there are annual costs like vet visits and registration. One of the greatest perks to mandatory microchipping is the savings. Instead of paying a yearly registration fee, pet parents just have to worry about a one-time payment of $15.00. If this isn’t in your budget, do a quick search for free microchip clinics in the Dallas area. Or watch for low cost microchipping events. If your pup has a medical condition that prevents them from getting microchipped, ask your veterinarian to write a letter certifying that your pal should be exempt from the ordinance. Have this document on hand and ready to show an animal services officer if necessary. For more infurmation about the microchipping law or how to get your pup microchipped, contact Dallas Animal Services.
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A Walk For A Healthier Pup
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