Retching in Dogs
Written By Grace Park
Published: 06/27/2017Updated: 04/05/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
What is Retching?
Retching is the action of vomiting that is not productive, or does not produce vomit. In many cases, retching, or dry heaving, will precede vomiting, while in others, it may only produce a small amount of mucus or bile. Extreme coughing can also progress into retching. Noticing any other signs concurrent with the retching can help you and your veterinarian to discover the true cause. Reasons your dog may be retching include:
  • Respiratory disease
  • Collapsing trachea
  • Throat obstruction 
  • Nausea
  • Bloat
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Bilious vomiting syndrome
Why Retching Occurs in Dogs
Respiratory Disease
There are many respiratory diseases and conditions that produce a severe cough that can lead to retching. One such disease is kennel cough, a highly contagious disease also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis. Kennel cough can be caused by a number of viruses and bacteria, including the Bordetella bacteria. This airborne disease can be coughed into the air, infecting any other dogs in the area. A dry and unproductive cough and a characteristic “goose honk” can lead to pneumonia, weight loss, and lethargy. 
Collapsing Trachea 
The trachea, or windpipe, stretches from the neck to the chest and allows air to flow to the lungs. 
Due to a hereditary defect of some breeds, such as Poodles and Pomeranians, the cartilage rings that make up the trachea can weaken and cause a narrowing of the trachea. This can cause severe coughing which can end in gagging and retching. 
Throat Obstruction 
Balls, rocks, sticks, tissues, and other non-edible things can become lodged in the esophagus or trachea and cause a blockage. This can lead to gagging, retching, and vomiting. Other signs there is something caught in your dog’s throat might include audible breathing noises, drooling, pawing at the face, and pacing. In some cases, your dog may vomit out the foreign material, but when it is lodged too securely, unproductive dry heaving can result.
Nausea can be caused by many things. If your dog has eaten something that has upset his stomach, he may retch and attempt to expel the noxious material. Eating too much food, or too quickly, can also cause your dog to retch. Certain medications may cause nausea, as can infections in the ear. Motion sickness is sometimes seen in dogs, and can result in additional signs of whining, pacing, drooling, and diarrhea. 
A case of bloat can occur when a lot of air is swallowed, such as if food is eaten too quickly, and can cause the abdomen to swell. This may be relieved through belching. Gastric dilatation (GD) occurs when the stomach fills with gas, while gastric dilatation with concurrent volvulus (GVD) results in a twisted stomach that can become a life-threatening condition needing immediate medical care. Unproductive retching with a bloated abdomen can be indications of one of these more serious conditions. Other signs can include shallow and rapid breathing, abdominal pain, and restlessness.  
Gastrointestinal Issues
Besides bloat, other gastrointestinal complaints can result in retching. Various infections, digestive issues, organ malfunction, tumors, and certain diseases such as gastroenteritis, can cause signs that may include vomiting or retching. An obstruction or impaction in the intestines can cause a disruption in the entire digestive system as food and fluids cannot pass through. All of these kinds of conditions will present additional signs, so be sure to relay any you have noticed in your dog to your veterinarian to help in a diagnosis.
Bilious Vomiting Syndrome 
Bile is a yellowish green substance that aids your dog in digestion. When the stomach is empty, there is nothing to absorb the bile and stomach acids, and this can cause nausea and retching. Bilious vomiting syndrome (BVS) occurs when this buildup of bile causes irritation to the stomach lining over a long period of time. Vomiting occurs when the stomach is empty, usually in the morning or late at night, and can produce a frothy yellow vomit. Other signs include lethargy, drooling, decreased appetite, pale gums, and dehydration.
What to do if your Dog is Retching
Vomiting or retching that occurs often in your dog should be a cause for concern. Your veterinarian should be informed of all the signs you have noticed, if the retching has been accompanied by any vomited material or has been unproductive, if your dog has eaten anything he shouldn’t have recently, and his general eating habits. A physical examination may include feeling his abdomen for any bloat and checking the skin elasticity. Any samples of vomited material can be examined. Often, bloodwork, a urinalysis and fecal testing are performed. 
Imaging techniques such as X-rays, ultrasounds, and fluoroscopy can reveal the presence of an obstruction, tumor, a twisted stomach, or a collapsing trachea. Exploratory endoscopy or surgery may be needed to definitely diagnose the problem causing the retching. 
Treatment will follow according to the condition in your dog. Your veterinarian may attempt to induce vomiting in some cases. Immediate surgery may be needed for obstructions or impactions in the throat or intestines, or for a twisted stomach. These can be life-threatening conditions that will need to be remedied without delay. Appropriate fluids and anesthesia will be given. Any infections or viruses, such as those implicated in kennel cough, can be treated with antibiotics, cough suppressants, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Dogs with kennel cough will need to be isolated from other dogs to prevent spreading this disease. 
While a case of simple bloat is relieved through belching or retching, gastric dilation can benefit from stomach pumping. There is no cure for a collapsed trachea, but it can be managed with cough suppressants, anti-inflammatories, bronchodilators, antibiotics to control infections, and keeping the dog’s weight under control, as obesity can complicate the condition. Surgically, an expandable stent or a rigid prosthesis can be inserted.
Prevention of Retching
It may be hard to predict when your dog may succumb to an illness, but there are steps you can take to prevent his risk. Monitor your dog’s area for items he may eat that could cause an obstruction, and teach him good eating habits that discourage the intake of too much air during meals. Vaccinating your dog can lower his risk of becoming infected by many types of viruses and bacteria. If you have a breed that is at a higher risk for GDV, you can have your dog’s stomach surgically tacked to prevent this potentially fatal condition from occurring. This is a procedure that is often performed at the time of a spay or neuter.  
Cost of Retching
Costs for treatment of a condition that can cause retching in your dog can vary considerably.  For more serious conditions, such as the respiratory kennel cough, treatment can average $650. A throat obstruction that needs more serious treatment can range from $1200 to $6000, while a collapsed trachea can average $1800.  A GDV, or bloat, can be life threatening and quite expensive to resolve.  

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Retching Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals

24 found this helpful

24 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My dog has symptoms of kennel cough hasnt.popped in 5
Jan. 3, 2021
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
24 Recommendations
Kennel Cough is a viral infection we tend to see in young, unvaccinated dogs. It causes a harsh 'goose honk' cough but dogs remain well and should be active, eating and social. It lasts 1-2 weeks and doesn't typically require treatment. A cough in an older Chihuahua (especially if accompanied by any other symptoms such as altered breathing or lethargy) should be looked in to as it may be caused by e.g. heart disease, tracheal collapse or bronchitis. You say your dog hasn't 'popped in 5' ? If you mean they haven't pooed in 5 days, they are constipated. You should have them seen by a vet as this could indicate an obstruction and/or dehydration. They may well need some laxatives and fluids.
Jan. 3, 2021
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Shih Tzu
Three Months

7 found this helpful

7 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Retching with no vomit, soft stool (possible blood), no really eating
Dec. 28, 2020
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
7 Recommendations
I'm sorry to hear this. A lack of appetite in a young, small puppy is concerning as they can quickly become dehydrated and develop low blood sugar due to their low fat reserves. Their symptoms aren't specific and could have a few causes including an infection, parasites, a gut obstruction etc. A vet visit is best so we can check the pup over and treat them promptly.
Dec. 28, 2020
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