Unsettled in Dogs
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 06/16/2017Updated: 06/03/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
What is Unsettled?
When a dog is unsettled, he is unable to relax. He may be unable to rest and may be aimlessly pacing around the house. He may also be panting or may whine and cry. A dog owner is typically very familiar with the normal behavior of his pet, and when a dog is unsettled, or uneasy and restless, he may notice this very quickly. 
A dog can become very anxious or stressed when certain events occur, and often become very unsettled. He may whine, bark, pace in circles, and shake. He may also act confused and lick himself repeatedly and have heavy panting. If a dog is unsettled, this may be a sign of an underlying health condition which will need to be addressed by the owner. It may also be something very mild that is causing his restless behavior. Reasons a dog may be unsettled include:
  • Anxiety
  • Neurological conditions
  • Liver disease
  • Stomach conditions
  • Constipation
  • Cushing’s disease
Why Unsettled Occurs in Dogs
An unsettled dog may be a sign of a mild or severe disorder. Only you know your dog, and if your dog typically becomes unsettled when you leave, come home, or if there is a thunderstorm or fireworks, then you may want to consult your veterinarian, but it is not needed if you are able to help him at home. More serious reasons can cause your dog to be unsettled and they include:
Consistent and Severe Anxiety
Dogs can get anxiety, and the symptoms can stem from similar issues that may add to human anxiety. A stressful environment, loud noises from a thunderstorm, or separation issues can cause your dog to be unsettled.
Neurological Conditions
Neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease or senility can cause your dog to pace unknowingly and be very restless. Unsettled behavior can be caused by confusion that comes with neurological conditions that can occur in dogs of any age.
Liver Disease
The liver is responsible for the removal of toxins, proper digestion, and the clotting of blood. If your dog is suffering from liver disease, he may be unsettled and may confusingly pace around the house.
Stomach Conditions
A painful stomach, such as bloating, can cause your dog to become very unsettled. Bloat is a very serious condition that requires immediate emergency medical attention.
Like humans, when a dog is constipated it is very uncomfortable. Simple constipation can cause discomfort, and a more serious bowel issue, such as a blockage, requires immediate attention. If you notice your dog has not had a bowel movement in a day and seems unsettled or uncomfortable , make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Cushing’s Disease
When too much glucocorticoid is produced in the dog’s body, your dog can be restless and unsettled. This increase of cortisone can cause many different symptoms in addition to being unsettled, such as a swollen belly, increased hunger and thirst, panting, increased urination, and insomnia, to name a few.
What to do if your Dog is Unsettled
If you notice your dog seems unsettled, look for other signs as well. Behaviors such as excessive drooling, barking or whining, aggression, and heavy panting may be seen. These and any other behaviors need to be reported to your veterinarian when you take him in. Your veterinarian will ask you questions about your dog’s sign and how long they have lasted, as well as when they began. 
He will then perform a complete physical examination on your companion and check his health history. He may also conduct testing such as a urinalysis, biochemistry profile, and blood work. The biochemistry profile will give the veterinarian information as to how his organs are functioning. He may also recommend other diagnostic tools be used, such as a thyroid test, to check his neurological functions, and any other tests he feels are necessary for an accurate diagnosis as to what is causing your dog to be unsettled. 
He may also palpate his abdomen and check for blockages or constipation. Your veterinarian will want to know if he has had a recent bowel movement, or one within the last 24 hours.
Prevention of Unsettled
There are ways to prevent your dog from being unsettled if it is due to conditions such as anxiety. You may consider purchasing a Thundershirt to snuggle him tight if he is anxious due to loud noises, as well as leaving a TV or radio on for your dog. If your dog is unsettled due to you leaving and coming home, take time to hold him and give him a lot of attention. When you are home, spend as much time with him as you can and simply show him a lot of love and affection. Anxiety shown when you are gone may be more serious than you think, however, and this would be a good conversation to have with your veterinarian.  
For underlying health issues, these may be harder to prevent. However, if you take your dog to the veterinarian on a regular basis for his checkups, your veterinarian may be able to notice if a condition is coming on, and may be able to diagnosis it very early. Always pay attention and monitor your dog for different behaviors, and if you notice any, contact your veterinarian rather than waiting.
Cost of Unsettled
For anxiety issues with your companion, the cost may be approximately $300. For a health issue such as a liver condition, which can cause your dog to be unsettled, the cost may be $3000.

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Unsettled Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
One Year

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Whining, Crying, Restlessness
My dog came with me up north one week ago I found a tick on his cheek , I removed it, later on he started getting aggressive and trying to mount me and my dad. I took him home, where he lives with his sister Maggie who is not fixed yet, but has been in heat. The others I live with own Maggie. They usually keep her in their room with her when they sleep but they started putting her in her kennel because of her bleeding. My dog whiskey keeps getting aggressive and trying to mount. At night he consistently whines. I haven’t had him cuddle on my bed in almost 5 days
Oct. 19, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. I do not think that what you are describing is related to the tick, but is probably related to being in the house with Maggie who is in heat. Hormonal changes can be quite dramatic with dogs, and until she is not in heat, he will likely not calm down. If you are concerned, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine them, see what might be going on, and get treatment for them.
Oct. 19, 2020
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Eighteen Months

5 found this helpful

5 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Whining excessively. Abnormal behavior for him. Does such during all times of day and night. Seems to favor one particular family member.
Sept. 29, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
5 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. There may be something that is bothering your dog that you are not aware of, or some kind of event that is happening with making him more anxious than normal. Sometimes it can help just to give dogs more exercise and more activity so that they are tired and not so anxious, and that maybe something that helps your dog. If this continues, it might be a good idea to have your dog seen by a veterinarian who can examine him, as there may be something else bothering him or being painful. I hope that all goes well and he is back to his normal self soon.
Sept. 30, 2020
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