Natural Incontinence Remedies in Dogs
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 05/26/2017Updated: 10/08/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
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What are Natural Incontinence Remedies?
Urinary incontinence in dogs can have many causes, and is defined as involuntary urination that your dog simply has no control over. It may happen when your pet is sleeping, they may not make it outdoors fast enough, or they may continuously drip urine throughout the day. Incontinence is quite common in older female dogs. Experts estimate that up to 20% of dogs will experience this problem at some point in their life. Once you have ruled out any changes to your pet’s environment, it is correct to assume that the problem likely due to an underlying medical condition. 
Natural Incontinence Remedies Procedure in Dogs
Your veterinarian can offer you advice about your pet’s incontinence. There are some medications available to help tighten the urinary sphincter muscles, surgeries to strengthen weak muscles, and hormone treatments to restore balance, but not every option is suitable for every patient. These treatments can be expensive, some have side effects, and they may not always work. In cases when incontinence is mild does not require immediate medical treatment, natural remedies may be considered. Typically, they are given alongside conventional medicine.

The trouble with many natural remedies is that they haven't been extensively studied and much of their evidence is anecdotal.
There are plant derived estrogens used to treat spay-related incontinence. They are a holistic remedy usually available with a prescription from your vet. Soy and ground flax seeds are another way to obtain phytoestrogens and can be purchased at your local grocery store, however it is hard to know how much of the estrogens the dog is actually consuming as the content is variable within food.
Corn Silk
Some people use corn silk both as a supportive treatment and as a remedy. Corn silk contains mucilage which has a thick gel-like texture that coats the inside of the bladder.  If your pet has a urinary tract infection, corn silk can help to sooth the irritation. It also functions as a mild diuretic. Corn silk also contains phytoestrogens which can help with spay incontinence. Purchase corn silk as a pill or powder for convenience, or you can use whole corn silks to make your own. 
Saw Palmetto
This herb works as anti-inflammatory. Saw palmetto ‘s chief contribution, however, is support for bladder control and muscle tone. It also helps balance hormone levels. 
Sang Piao Xiao San
This is a Chinese herbal remedy for urinary problems which holistic veterinarians sometimes prescribe for canine incontinence. It is made from the praying mantis egg case and can be purchased in pill form.
This is a popular natural treatment for difficult to treat urinary incontinence in dogs. It works to stimulate the nerves responsible for urinary control. Its efficacy is highly questionable. If you are interested in this treatment, a holistic veterinarian can tell you more. 
Efficacy of Natural Incontinence Remedies in Dogs
The effectiveness of natural, herbal, or alternative therapies for incontinence will depend on the underlying condition causing incontinence and the treatment method used. Your veterinarian’s guidance can help you choose the most appropriate at-home therapy or supplementation. It is not advised you choose a natural remedy before seeking vet advice.
Natural Incontinence Remedies Recovery in Dogs
It may take some time to see the effects of herbal supplementation and dietary changes, but most treatment methods above do not require recovery time or special care specifically associated with the therapy.
Cost of Natural Incontinence Remedies in Dogs
A consultation with your vet and related lab testing to diagnose your dog’s condition could cost from $50 to $200-- even as much as $1,500 if imaging scans such as CT or MRI are required. The cost of herbal supplements can start at less than $10 per month, depending on their type, quality, and source, and each visit with a licensed acupuncturist may cost $30 to $150.

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Dog Natural Incontinence Remedies Considerations
Many dog owners find that it can take weeks or months to find an effective treatment for their dog. In many cases, herbal and homeopathic remedies simply do not work. If that is the case, you may find it necessary to return to the vet, who can suggest medical treatments that may help.
Natural Incontinence Remedies Prevention in Dogs
Urinary incontinence in dogs is often the result of a medical condition. Taking steps to maintain your dog’s good health is key in preventing urinary tract issues. This incudes providing good nutrition and adequate hydration. Keep in mind that your pet’s urinary incontinence is not only difficult for you but it can be distressing and painful for your pet as well. During treatment it may help to keep doggy diapers and pads available to keep messes to a minimum, and have baby wipes on hand. Urine is very harsh on your dog’s skin; use wipes to clean skin that may be in prolonged contact with the urine. 
Most of all, be understanding and patient to your dog, as it is not their fault they keep having accidents. If you are struggling to cope, talk to your vet as many owners have been in the same position before and your vet will have some good advice.
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