Digestive Enzyme Supplements in Dogs
Digestive Enzyme Supplements in Dogs - Conditions Treated, Procedure, Efficacy, Recovery, Cost, Considerations, Prevention
What are Digestive Enzyme Supplements?
It's the job of digestive enzymes to break down and absorb nutrients from your dog’s food. The pancreas produces a majority of enzymes, then releases them into the small intestine. Digestion occurs as the food is broken down into fuel and encourages necessary cellular functions.
There are four essential digestive enzymes with different functions:
  • Amylase breaks down and digests carbohydrates and starches
  • Cellulase breaks down fiber
  • Protease breaks down and digests protein into amino acids
  • Lipase breaks down fat into fatty acids and glycerol
Enzymes are the motivating force behind many important body functions aside from digestion, including immune function, waste and toxin removal, and hormone regulation.
Digestive Enzyme Supplements Procedure in Dogs
So, what can you do to keep your dog healthy even if his digestive enzyme count is compromised? You can consider giving him digestive enzyme supplements. 
Digestive enzyme supplements may improve your canine’s digestive system and ability to absorb nutrients, both of which are crucial for his overall health.
Dietary enzyme supplements exist in three different forms: plant, fungal, or animal. 
Fungal supplements may cause significant difficulties for dogs with allergies, and plant-based supplements are not strong enough or naturally suited to a dog’s digestive system.
Animal-sourced enzyme supplements work better than other supplement options because dogs are carnivores who respond best to pancreatic enzymes. This type of supplement provides pancreatin and mimics the enzymes found in the gastrointestinal tract of natural prey.
Additionally, powdered supplements have been found to be much more effective than capsules and tablets.
The general rule of thumb for this type of supplement is one teaspoon of powdered digestive enzyme supplements per 10kg (22 lbs) of body weight. Make sure that your dog takes the supplements with a full meal. 
Always be sure to talk to your veterinarian about how much supplement is right for your dog, as depending on health and age, your dog may need more or less than the recommended amount.
Efficacy of Digestive Enzyme Supplements in Dogs
Although most dogs will benefit from a digestive enzyme supplement, not all dogs need them. If your dog is young, healthy, or eats a raw diet, he may not require supplements. 
Digestive enzyme supplements may be beneficial for dogs with certain medical conditions such as:
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Weight loss
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Allergies
  • Liver disease
  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)
  • Flatulence
  • Dental diseases
Active, athletic dogs might need digestive enzymes for support for muscle strength and endurance.
Digestive Enzyme Supplements Recovery in Dogs
Supplementing your dog with digestive enzymes is not likely to produce side effects or conditions that require recovery time or special care.
Cost of Digestive Enzyme Supplements in Dogs
The cost of digestive enzyme supplementation will vary with the type and dosage of the supplement you choose, but may range from $10 to $40 per month. The cost of veterinary visits and lab tests used to evaluate your dog’s health may contribute to the overall cost of treatment, and will vary by location and the level of care involved.
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Dog Digestive Enzyme Supplements Considerations
Digestive enzyme supplements are unlikely to produce side effects in dogs. There have been reports of dogs developing oral ulcerations and bleeding, but these instances are rare and moistening the supplement with food seems to prevent this side effect. 
Digestive Enzyme Supplements Prevention in Dogs
Digestive enzyme supplements can help improve your dog’s digestion, and thereby other critical functions within his body. 
Not all dogs need these supplements, although they are particularly useful for dogs on nutritionally deficient diets, dogs who are old, or dogs who are suffering from a particular medical problem involving or impacting digestive enzymes.
Ask your veterinarian whether digestive enzyme supplements are right for your dog.
Digestive Enzyme Supplements Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
10 Years

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My dog, a 10 yo Chi-Poo, was diagnosed with diabetes in April, and I chose not to treat with insulin. A holistic vet gave me a home-cooked formula, and recipe for "Healthy Powders", which I've followed until he lost interest and improved. She then said to feed freeze-dried, but his pee frequency increased again on that diet. So I've switched back to the home-cooked formula of turkey meat, egg, and green beans with Powders, adding supplements of Gymnema and Diaplex twice a day. Yesterday he appeared ravenous between feedings, to the point he had about 6 meals - 1 in the morning, then about 5 throughout the afternoon. He grrr'ed, yipped, and barked until I would feed him. I gave him RAWZ and a turkey-based IBD kibble from Hill's between and after the two home-cooked meals. I did not add supplements to these. He woke me up at 4:30am today needing more water - a first, as he's slept quietly most nights since on the diet. I read about EPI this morning. He has lost so much weight you can count all his bones, yet he's eating mountains. It seems to be linked to diabetes too. So I thought perhaps that's his problem now. I can't afford the vet again this month, nor early next month. So I'm writing to you hoping you can help.
June 30, 2018
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Both exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) and diabetes are conditions which originate from the pancreas as the pancreas is also the site of insulin production in the body. Without examining Jeffy I cannot confirm whether he has exocrine pancreatic insufficiency or not; however you should call your Veterinarian to discuss the possible addition of some raw pig pancreas to the diet to see if that helps in anyway. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 1, 2018
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Mini Schnauzer Chin
Lassie girl
6 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
I lost my dog because Taiwan Vet only provides Insulin injection and nothing else. The service Vet offers is Taiwan is terrible only make money on Insulin injection. Nothing such as Digestive Enzyme Supplement to provide my dog. After 2 months my little girl passed away = I wish we had Good Vet / doctors like USA provides Enzymes.
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