Cierra B
I would love to walk your best friend!
About the caregiver
Hey, my name Cici and I am a proud owner of a pitbull named Zeek. He is my big baby! Very spoiled and loving. I work full time and would love the opportunity to walk your best friend on my free time. I can promise I will go above and beyond and your bundle of joy will love me. I have volunteered at a shelter before and I loved it. All animals have a piece of my heart and I am so excited to be able to walk your best friend! I now have a three year old and a 5 month old and they are animal lovers just like me! This helps me provide for them as well as do my favorite thing in this world and that’s work with doggy’s .
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I live in a second and third floor apartment which is a house. We have a huge yard with grass as well as a patio too. It’s perfect for dogs to get fresh air and run around.
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Golden Retrievers
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