Caring for your pet as if they are my own.
About the caregiver
Hey Y’all, What can I say? I love dogs! I enjoy both walking them and boarding them in my East Nashville home. For Walking: I appreciate all types of dogs, big and small, young and old. Even the so-called “challenging” ones can be so much fun and it gives me a chance to explore new neighborhoods. Most of my walks are ½ hour but I’ll occasionally do 1 hour walks. For Boarding: My wife, Brooke, and I are both semi-retired so at least one of us is usually home, doting on your doggie with lots of love and attention. We’ve got a great big yard where your dog can romp around often throughout the day. We have a small doggie pool for hot days. I love taking them for long hikes, if that’s something they’d like to do. We have lots of toys, two medium doggie beds and enjoy snuggles on the sofa when we watch TV. We’ll take plenty of photos and videos and send them off to you because we know you’ll miss your pup while you’re away. Think of Brooke and me as another set of your dog’s grandparents. We enjoy having “meet and greets” at our home before you leave town so you and your dog will feel comfortable staying with us. We know the experience can be stressful for both you AND your pup, so we want to make it as easy as possible.
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French Bulldogs
Golden Retrievers
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2022 Olympic Medal
2022 Howl-O-Ween
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