J'Ana F
I'm excited to enjoy a walk with your best friend!
About the caregiver
I’m a 31 year old female Looking for a fur buddy to share my outdoor adventures with! I enjoy going on hikes and daily strolls around my lovely neighborhood or yours. I would love to share my time with your dog since I don't have one of my own.,🥺 I worked at a dog care facility for almost a year Loved the experience of getting to know other people’s animals, hopefully, I’ll get to meet your furever friend! I’ll love them as much as you do!!! Excited to spend quality time with your pup and or puppies.💜 I like to send the pet owner morning and evening or just a daily update depending on the service I'm providing. Boarding/sitting will get morning and evening updates including pictures or videos. Walks/drop In's will receive just one daily update also including pictures or videos during the time I'm with your fur baby. Looking forward to meeting your furry best friend! 🙂
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