Katie G
I strive for 5 Star Ratings🥇
About the caregiver
I LOVE 💕 my Golden Doodles Stella Rose (4 yrs old)🐾 Everly Grace (3 yrs old)🐾 and Kitty Reese (7 yrs old)🐈⬛ and because of this, I thought this would be the perfect side hustle & I love it! I have limited availability (though I could work from your home) since I do have a FT job. Weekends and after 3:30p are my best times! I take my job serious as a dog walker and sitter and promise to take my time & patience with your pup. Oh and I come with extra waste bags😜I only board breeds that don’t shed and sitting is an option which seems to be very popular. I even do light house duty for overnight jobs😉 P.S. throw me a bone 🦴 I mean a badge 🎖️if you thought my services met your standards!! Thanks! Xoxo
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