Kelly C
Experienced FT Pet Caregiver🐾💛
About the caregiver
With a deeply profound passion for animals, I would love to be your trusted source for reliable and compassionate care for your fur babies. I’ve worked as a vet tech for the last 4 years, and I also have worked at animals hospitals as well. As a dedicated pet sitter and a loving fur mama, I bring a unique blend of expertise, empathy, and commitment to ensure your pets receive the love and attention they deserve. As a pet owner myself and 15+ years of experience, I understand the connection between owners and their companions. I am committed to doing everything in my power to alleviate the anxiety resulting from your absence. Your fur baby’s health, safety and happiness are my #1 priority while they’re under my care. Loving caresses and playtime will be equally dispersed, no matter who or how many - no fur baby will be left out!
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