Kirsten M
No animal is too big or too small!
About the caregiver
Hi, I’m Kirsten! I work at an animal shelter, and I work with different types of animals. I have experience with different breeds and tempers during walks. I have 2 dogs; Queen is a 6 year old Rottweiler, Doberman mix. Maia is a rescue, 3 year old American bully. Both of my girls are super friendly, and love cats and dogs. I have 3 cats as well; Nova, Luna and Astra. They’re all spayed. I also foster dogs occasionally :) I absolutely love all animals and enjoy being around them!!
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I have a two story house, with a dog door that dogs have access to at all times. There’s a very large back yard, and a 10’ tall wall. I have 3 cats, but they would be staying in their cat room, so any new dogs won’t have access to them incase they don’t like cats!
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2022 Howl-O-Ween
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