Mallory K
Pittsburgh Pet Care - Done Right
About the caregiver
Pet care is my passion! I have dog-walked and pet-sat regularly since I was 10 years old! I’ve cared for animals of all types, and have taken courses on puppy care, training, and canine oral medication administration. I own my own pet care company, along with working with Wag! and Rover. I am a husky mama, so I have plenty of experience with high-energy dogs. I also love a good run, if you’d like me to run with your pup, shoot me a message before our service and I’ll pack tennis shoes. For house sitting, I am able to provide two daytime checkins along with the overnight stay. For boarding, I have a doggy playroom in my home filled with toys and treats. My pups love hanging out with other dogs! I am able to provide any enrichment your pet is used to. We can play fetch, go on walks, and go to the dog park!
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