Tessa H
I’m pawsitivly best dog walker!🐾
About the caregiver
Hello! I’m Tessa and I am 19 years old! I have always loved all types of animals all my life! So I decided to join wag with my best friend! (Who usually is everywhere I am lol!) I’ve lived With all kinds of diffrent breeds and sizes! I’ve had experience with dogs and cats for about 17 years now! I even now have a big old main coon cat named Mr Norris! And a kitty named mozzarella! Who both are such snuggle bugs! I have a total of 4 dogs! Two white labs named Kota and Momo, a terrier named Britany and a terrier mix named Clementine, and other dogs I share with a best friend! An American bully Lola, German shepherd Mila, Scarlett who is a pit bull!Can’t wait to hopefully meet you and your amazing pet!🐾😁
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