Victoria M
About the caregiver
I currently own my own dog walking business! Check photos for details. I Did professional dog walking for a while. Took care, raised and loved animals from fish to hamsters to cats to dogs. I fostered dogs throughout the winter when they would show up in the neighborhood until we could find the owner. I raised and took care of my Best friend Caesar for 15 years who passed away a couple years ago from natural causes. I have a 7 year old who is gentle and absolutely loves animals and a 1 year old Beagle who loves all animals! Especially other dogs. I understand the needs of animals and I love them more than most Humans. Im very flexible and willing to accomadate to whatever your animal needs. I understand each pet is unique with their own personality. Please let me know In advance any diet restrictions or reactions on leash that I should be aware of! I'm home throughout the day during the week running my dog walking business. Please reach out! I’d love to take care of your pet!
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