Save on pet insurance for your pet
You don't have to choose between your pet and your wallet when it comes to expensive vet visits. Prepare ahead of time for unexpected vet bills by finding the pawfect pet insurance.
Skullcap and Valerian: These are nature's calming compounds and great for dogs where anxiety manifests itself as hyperactivity.
German Chamomile: While all forms of chamomile are renowned for their calming properties, the German variety is especially helpful. Not only is it calming but can help settle an upset stomach to boot. Try giving your dog cooled chamomile tea, or soak a treat in the tea which you then give to the dog. Alternatively, look for chamomile in tablet form.
Kava kava: This is available as a tincture, powder or tea, which you can add to water or food. This traditional Polynesian remedy helps reduce restlessness and take things down a notch, but without impacting on mental sharpness. A great option to aid training.
Bach flower remedy: This is a blend of flower extracts known for their calming, soothing, or anti-anxiety effects. Simply place drops on the dog's tongue to get the desired effect.
Tellington Touch: This is a simple massage technique involving small repetitive circular motions. Dogs lap it up and simply relax into the moment. A great way to soothe and let all those hyper hormones ebb away.
Long Slow Strokes: Does how you pat your dog hype them up? Avoid rough-housing and petting their head. Instead, go for long, slow, sweeping strokes over their trunk. Use moderately firm pressure (avoid light tickling strokes) for maximum effect. Try it. You'll be surprised.
Thundershirt: This is the dog equivalent of swaddling. The idea is that a firm garment pressed against the dog helps them feel secure and anchored. This can settle the hyper dog who overreacts to the environment.
Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP): This is a synthetic version of the pheromone given off by a nursing mother dog. This is the pheromone that makes the pups feel safe, secure, and content, and is a great way of soothing nerves. It is available as an impregnated collar that the dog can wear all the time.
Aroma mists: Mist sprays containing lavender and chamomile can be a steadying influence. Simply spritz your pants or the dog's bandanna so that they carry an air of calmness with them.