Save on pet insurance for your Australian Bulldog
Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $750-2,000 a year for a Australian Bulldog.
Pet Insurance can help prepare you for unexpected vet bills. Compare top providers to get a custom quote that fits your pet’s unique health needs.
The Australian Bulldog is a recent developmental breed that came about with the aim of several breeders to create an Australian Bulldog that could excel in the formidable Australian terrain and climate. Initially, the development began with the work of Pip Nobes of the Nobes line, and Noel and Tina Green of the Jag line, both who had vast experience in this field. Many breeders became involved in the process of creating this new version of the Bulldog. They wanted a dog that could handle several roles, such as being a watchdog, family companion and one that could excel in agility and obedience. This requirement was achieved with the durable body structure, size and alertness of the new Aussie Bulldog, and the slightly longer muzzle meant that this dog didn't have breathing issues and was more resilient to the extremes of heat and cold that Australia dishes out. The breeds used to create this new breed included the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bullmastiff, British Bulldog and the Boxer. Each breed had something special to offer the new breed and together these traits were molded into the Aussie Bulldog. Traits such as affection and good looks came from the British Bulldog, while the Boxer and Mastiff offered alertness and a dependable watchdog. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier offered the body structure required with muscle tone and again, alertness. It takes time to develop a new breed and make alterations as required. Cooperation between the breeders has been vital throughout the development. Thankfully the breeders have all made health a priority and have not sacrificed that for looks. In return for their efforts, they have produced a dog that is an amazing companion.