Altman White English Bulldog

45-75 lbs
United States

The Altman White English Bulldog is a breed of Bulldog that was recently developed under the guidance of Ray Altman, for whom the breed is named. These dogs are meant to be a re-creation of a type of Bulldog known as the Old English White Bulldog that was once frequently found in the southern parts of the United States during the nineteenth century. Utilizing a combination of the traditional English Bulldog and the White English Bulldogs, Altman and the other breeders involved developed an amicable, loyal Bulldog breed with improved athleticism and stamina, better overall health, and a higher tolerance to environmental extremes.

purpose Purpose
Hunting, Cattle Driving, Family Watchdog
history Date of Origin
ancestry Ancestry
English Bulldog, White English Bulldog

Altman White English Bulldog Health

Average Size
Male Altman White English Bulldog size stats
Height: 15-21 inches Weight: 50-80 lbs
Female Altman White English Bulldog size stats
Height: 15-21 inches Weight: 45-75 lbs
Major Concerns
  • Canine Hip Dysplasia (Chd)
Minor Concerns
  • Cherry Eye
  • Skin Allergies
  • Brachycephalic Syndrome
Occasional Diagnoses
  • Deafness
Occasional Tests
  • Eye Examinations
  • Skin Scraping Test for Allergies
  • X-rays or other radiographic imaging

Save on pet insurance for your Altman White English Bulldog


Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $750-2,000 a year for a Altman White English Bulldog.

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Altman White English Bulldog Breed History

The Altman White English Bulldog is a newer breed that was developed just a couple of decades ago. The development of the breed was due in large part to the dedication of a breeder from Waycross, GA by the name of Ray Altman, who began developing the breed with the help and support of a few other Bulldog fanciers. Although this is a fully modern breed, The Altman White English Bulldog was developed with a much older breed in mind as a blueprint: the Old English White Bulldog. In order to get the bone structure and overall appearance they were attempting to recreate, Ray started by breeding a female AKC registered English Bulldog to a male White English Bulldog, resulting in dogs that were physically sturdy and powerful that retained most of the overall gentle temperament of the traditional English Bulldog but with fewer and less severe health problems due to their longer, straighter legs and less pronounced brachycephalic face. Like the Old English White Bulldog that they were based on, the Altman White English Bulldog breed was developed to be an all-around farm dog who can be employed as either a hunting companion or a driver of cattle while also serving as an excellent watchdog. Altman White English Bulldogs are now breeding true and an official standard has been drawn up. As of 1995, these dogs have been recognized by the Continental Kennel Club as a distinct breed, although no other kennel clubs allow this breed on their registries as of yet. 

Altman White English Bulldog Breed Appearance

This is typically a medium to large-sized dog that possesses powerful, well-defined musculature and a strong, straight back. They have broad heads that are somewhat wider than average, and in some cases may have a natural furrow running down the center of the skull. While broad, their head is not as wide as many of the bully breeds, and while some brachycephalia is considered acceptable in this breed, the shortening of the skull should be slight to moderate. They have medium-sized, dark eyes that can come in either a round, almond, or oval shape and small to medium-sized either drop or rose ears that are set high up on the skull. While not all Altman White English Bulldogs have a natural underbite, it is fairly common. Any color is acceptable for their short, stiff, single-layer coat, but coats that contain large patches of white may be indicative of merle genetics and are discouraged.

Eye Color Possibilities
brown Altman White English Bulldog eyes
Nose Color Possibilities
blue Altman White English Bulldog nose
black Altman White English Bulldog nose
brown Altman White English Bulldog nose
Coat Color Possibilities
black Altman White English Bulldog coat
gray Altman White English Bulldog coat
brown Altman White English Bulldog coat
red Altman White English Bulldog coat
cream Altman White English Bulldog coat
isabella Altman White English Bulldog coat
fawn Altman White English Bulldog coat
blue Altman White English Bulldog coat
silver Altman White English Bulldog coat
pied Altman White English Bulldog coat
sable Altman White English Bulldog coat
brindle Altman White English Bulldog coat
Coat Length
Short Medium Long
Coat Density
coat density
Sparse Normal Dense
Coat Texture
coat texture
Altman White English Bulldog straight coat texture
Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

Altman White English Bulldog Breed Maintenance

The Altman White English Bulldog, like most Bulldog breeds, may require more frequent bathing due to a stronger doggie odor than most, and the wrinkles around the face should be wiped down frequently to avoid the build-up of dirt and debris between the folds. Brushing this dog with a slicker brush or grooming glove once every week or two will help to keep their moderate shedding under control as well as keeping the coat shiny and supple. It is important not to neglect the dental health of these canines as brachycephalic animals can be more likely to develop gum disease and tooth decay, particularly those that have the slight natural underbite. 

Brushes for Altman White English Bulldog
Slicker Brush
Slicker Brush
Nail Clipper
Nail Clipper
Brushing Frequency
fur daily fur weekly fur monthly
Altman White English Bulldog requires monthly brushing
Daily Weekly Monthly

Altman White English Bulldog Temperament

This dog breed is very devoted and loyal to their owner and family and while they are typically gentle with their own family members, the Altman White English Bulldog does seem to have more territorial and protective instincts than most modern English Bulldogs and dog on dog aggression can be more pronounced if the dog is not socialized properly during their formative months. This breed typically has a healthy prey drive and without a great deal of socialization, these dogs may not be trustworthy around smaller animals, particularly those that move quickly. These dogs do form an exceptionally strong bond with their family and can experience separation anxiety or become depressed if left alone for too long. Bully breeds of all sorts were bred in part for their tenacious natures and while these dogs are intelligent and can be readily trained with positive, rewards-based training, harsh training methods are likely to be met with stubborn resistance. 

Altman White English Bulldog Activity Requirements

Altman White English Bulldogs, while not exceptionally active, tend to be more energetic than most traditional English Bulldogs. The less extreme body structure of this breed compared to the English Bulldog allows it to better handle intense temperature fluctuations, both hot and cold, and the longer legs give it greater endurance for walking and running. Along with the ability to walk and run further than shorter legged Bulldog breeds, the relatively long, straight legs of Altman’s dogs make it possible to more easily enjoy activities like agility training or swimming. These dogs are not well-suited to apartment living due to their active and protective nature and are much more comfortable if they have a home with a securely fenced yard to run in. 

Activity Level
low activity medium activity high activity
Low Medium High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week
7 miles
walk mileage
Minutes of Activity Per Day
60 minutes
activity minutes

Altman White English Bulldog Food Consumption

Cups Per Day
3 cups
cup per day cost cup per day cost cup per day cost
Daily Cost
$1.50 - $2.00
food bowls daily cost
Monthly Cost
$45.00 - $60.00
food bag monthly cost

Altman White English Bulldog Height & Weight

6 Months
Male Altman White English Bulldog size stats at six months
Height: 15.5 inches Weight: 45.5 lbs
Female Altman White English Bulldog size stats at six months
Height: 15.5 inches Weight: 42.5 lbs
12 Months
Male Altman White English Bulldog size stats at 12 months
Height: 17.0 inches Weight: 58.5 lbs
Female Altman White English Bulldog size stats at 12 months
Height: 17.0 inches Weight: 54.5 lbs
18 Months
Male Altman White English Bulldog size stats at 18 months
Height: 18.0 inches Weight: 65.0 lbs
Female Altman White English Bulldog size stats at 18 months
Height: 18.0 inches Weight: 60.0 lbs

Altman White English Bulldog Owner Experiences

1 Year
5 People
House & Yard
Dog Parks
i do love my altman english bulldog but she's just a bit TOO lazy
3 years, 6 months ago
4 Years
4 People
House & Yard
We got Mattis as a Christmas gift for my boys. However he has become my dog and sticks to me like glue. He is extremely attentive to me. He does not leave my side and knows before I do when I need extra cuddles. He is very protective and dominant with my other dog. He was extremely easy to train and still learns new tricks here and there very quickly. He loves people but does not like other dogs. This is my fault for not socializing him when he was a puppy. I love his squishy face.
3 years, 7 months ago
Daisy Duke
7 Months
1 People
Putting on a cooking mit and having her hang on to
Lively. I didn’t know she was Altman.
6 years, 3 months ago
11 Years
2 People
House & Yard
Walks & playing in streams
This was the best dog I’ve ever had. Handsome strong and friendly, always got compliments and people interested in what type of dog he was. Loyal beyond compare & smart as a whip (potty trained at 16weeks).
6 years, 1 month ago
3 Years
2 People
House & Yard
Playful adventures lovable
5 years, 11 months ago
6 Years
4 People
House & Yard
We love our Athena! She is the sweetest and smartest dog
4 years, 10 months ago
Rock of Ages
8 Years
1 People
We walk at least 3 miles a day
My dog is my best friend he has been with me through some ruff times. He is also my service dog. He is well loved by friends, family & co workers.
4 years, 9 months ago
Rock of ages
9 Years
2 People
My dog is a God sent. He is my best friend. Rocco is also my service dog.
3 years, 10 months ago
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