Welsh Terrier

15-20 lbs

The Welsh Terrier is a perfect example of what a Terrier should be: courageous, spunky, fun-loving, and spirited. These bearded dogs originated in Wales around the 1700’s and were intended to be used as hunters. They would dash into small dens and caves in order to chase out the animals living inside so they could be hunted. They were extremely talented at this job and while they are still used for hunting and tracking nowadays, the Welsh Terrier is actually used more frequently as a family dog now. They are amazing with children, fantastic running partners, and are always ready for whatever fun activity you can dream up. Due to their black and tan coats, they were once known as the Black and Tan Wire Haired Terrier and have always been seen sporting a curly beard upon their muzzle. This breed was first shown in England during the year 1884 and they have been part of that industry ever since. When they were brought to America in the year 1884 by a man named Prescott Lawrence, they were shown at the Westminster Kennel Club and became a real hit thanks to their quirky appearance and lovable personality. The breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club that same year and shortly after, the Terrier Club of America was established. If you are looking for a dog that will keep you on your toes, bring a smile to your face, and isn’t afraid to help you track down pesky critter, then the Welsh Terrier may be the perfect fit for you. Just keep in mind that they do require a lot of exercise and can be destructive when bored. By keeping them busy and tired out, you can then enjoy an amazing Terrier who will bring much happiness to your life. 

purpose Purpose
otter, fox, badger, and rat hunting
history Date of Origin
ancestry Ancestry
old english black and tan terrier

Welsh Terrier Health

Sketch of Welsh Terrier
Average Size
Male Welsh Terrier size stats
Height: 13-15 inches Weight: 17-22 lbs
Female Welsh Terrier size stats
Height: 12-15 inches Weight: 15-20 lbs
Major Concerns
  • Usually A Very Healthy Breed
Minor Concerns
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Epilepsy
  • Lens Luxation
  • Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
Occasional Tests
  • Eye
  • Blood Test
  • Heart
  • Eye Examination
  • Physical Examination

Welsh Terrier Breed History

 The Welsh Terrier originated in the late 1700’s, nestled in the heart of Wales. There isn’t too much detail about the origin of this breed, but it is believed that the grandfather dog of the Welsh Terrier was the Old English Black and Tan Terrier. This is a medium sized breed that stands around 15 inches with an average weight of about 20 pounds; females are slightly smaller than males. When the Welsh Terrier was developed, it was bred with some really desirable traits, such as: hunting ability, agility, and personality. All of these came together to create the Welsh Terrier that we know and love today. This breed started to be shown in England during the 1800’s and at first was commonly categorized as an Old English Terrier. As time went on, however, the Welsh Terrier became his own breed when the Kennel Club of England recognized it in 1885. In 1901 the Welsh Terrier finally made it to the United States and his popularity only rose from there. These dogs are now used, not only for hunting and tracking, but also as wonderful family dogs and companions. Because the Welsh Terrier is an athletic breed, he will need a lot of extra exercise, at least an hour a day. This amount of exercise is rarely a suggestion when it comes to Terriers, as when they are bored it’s nearly impossible for them to hold still and they will most likely become destructive. If you are going to bring one of these sporty dogs into your home, be sure that you are ready to commit to the amount of work it will take to train him correctly and wear him out. 

Welsh Terrier Breed Appearance

Overall, the Welsh Terrier has a somewhat square shape to him. This is primarily because of his docked tail, which when lifted vertically, is the same level as his head. Adding to his whimsical and unique look is the bushy, curly beard, mustache, and bushy eyebrows that live on the face. These features seem to give the jolly little dog the look of a bristly old man, which is bound to make people smile when they see him. This breed typically comes in a color combination of black, tan, and grizzle fur. A black “jacket” is laid over the back of the dog and completes the Welsh Terrier’s fur pattern. Triangularly folded ears and small almond shaped eyes help to reveal more of the dog’s lovable personality through his facial features. Because he has a double coat, the Welsh Terrier has a soft undercoat and a wiry, dense outer coat that protects him from the weather. 

Appearance of Welsh Terrier
Eye Color Possibilities
brown Welsh Terrier eyes
Nose Color Possibilities
black Welsh Terrier nose
Coat Color Possibilities
black Welsh Terrier coat
brown Welsh Terrier coat
Coat Length
Short Medium Long
Coat Density
coat density
Sparse Normal Dense
Coat Texture
coat texture
Welsh Terrier wiry coat texture
Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

Welsh Terrier Breed Maintenance

While this breed is already quite dashing, regular brushing and grooming will be required to help him stay that way. You can either groom the dog yourself at home, or spring for something special and have a professional groomer do the job. Keep in mind that if you are grooming your Welsh Terrier for shows, it will be a bit different than just grooming him as a regular pet. You may need to hand strip the coat as opposed to just brushing it; this may be easier with the help of a groomer. If you are brushing at home, try to brush your dog at least once a week to keep his skin and coat healthy and fresh. You can also use doggy safe toothpaste to clean your dog’s teeth weekly to remove any tartar buildup that could cause dental disease. Because the Welsh Terrier has folded over ears, it is important to check and clean them often. This is due to the fact that moisture lasts longer under the folded ears and can lead to irritations and infections. Frequent cleanings can help prevent any irritation from occurring. Besides brushing and regular grooming, keep your dog’s nails trimmed and his feet healthy.

Brushes for Welsh Terrier
Slicker Brush
Slicker Brush
Nail Clipper
Nail Clipper
Brushing Frequency
fur daily fur weekly fur monthly
Welsh Terrier requires weekly brushing
Daily Weekly Monthly

Welsh Terrier Temperament

While this breed is a bit more relaxed than some of its other Terrier family members, the Welsh Terrier still has a lot of energy. Considering the fact that he was bred to hunt and capture prey, he is super smart, quick to bark, and won’t hesitate to chase anything that moves. If you are looking for a very relaxed, low maintenance dog, the Welsh Terrier may not be for you. This dog needs a good amount of exercise to keep him out of trouble, and while he is great with kids, he’s not so good with other dogs. If you take the time to socialize him early and allow him to adjust to all kinds of different people and animals, he may do just fine. However, his boisterous nature will never fade away. This is the perfect dog for someone who is looking for a good companion that will go on jogs, hikes, and spirited walks every day. If you are a person who loves physical activity and lots of adventure, then the Welsh Terrier may be just perfect for you!

Activity Level
low activity medium activity high activity
Low Medium High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week
7 miles
walk mileage
Minutes of Activity Per Day
30 minutes
activity minutes

Welsh Terrier Food Consumption

Cups Per Day
1.8 cups
cup per day cost
Daily Cost
$1.20 - $1.40
food bowls daily cost
Monthly Cost
$34.00 - $45.00
food bag monthly cost

Welsh Terrier Height & Weight

6 Months
Sketch of Welsh Terrier at six months
Male Welsh Terrier size stats at six months
Height: 11.0 inches Weight: 15.0 lbs
Female Welsh Terrier size stats at six months
Height: 10.5 inches Weight: 12.5 lbs
12 Months
Sketch of Welsh Terrier at 12 months
Male Welsh Terrier size stats at 12 months
Height: 14.0 inches Weight: 16.5 lbs
Female Welsh Terrier size stats at 12 months
Height: 13.5 inches Weight: 15.5 lbs
18 Months
Sketch of Welsh Terrier at 18 months
Male Welsh Terrier size stats at 18 months
Height: 14.0 inches Weight: 19.5 lbs
Female Welsh Terrier size stats at 18 months
Height: 13.5 inches Weight: 17.5 lbs

Top Welsh Terrier Breeders

Check out who made our list for the most reputable Welsh Terrier breeders of 2024.
Top Welsh Terrier breeder Walnut Ridge Terriers
Walnut Ridge Terriers
Salem, Indiana
Top Welsh Terrier breeder Shshown Terriers
Shshown Terriers
Trinidad, Colorado
Top Welsh Terrier breeder Dragon Shield Terriers
Dragon Shield Terriers
Portsmouth, Virginia
Top Welsh Terrier breeder Crestview Kennels
Crestview Kennels
Syracuse, Indiana
Top Welsh Terrier breeder Annes Airedales LLC - Also Welsh & Lakeland
Annes Airedales LLC - Also Welsh & Lakeland
Marshallville, Ohio
Top Welsh Terrier breeder Homestead Kennels
Homestead Kennels
Lincoln, Kansas
Top Welsh Terrier breeder Thomas Terriers
Thomas Terriers
Ulman, Missouri
Top Welsh Terrier breeder Sun Oak Terriers
Sun Oak Terriers
Hanover, Michigan

Welsh Terrier Owner Experiences

10 Years
2 People
Walks in the pa
Houston is wonderful to me. He has only been around the husband and I at home so he is very protective of us and home. We have to lock him up when anyone comes over. ( Which is seldom). He will jump on them and bite at them. He is fine around people at the park. Just not at home. He is not fond of children. It is our fault because he is spoiled. If he had been raised around kids it would have been different. I have pictures of him in his dog kennel with our grandson. He just hadn’t been exposed enough to children to like them. He is my best friend and I would own another one if the husband would let me
6 years, 11 months ago
6 Years
2 People
Armani came into our lives when he was 30 months old He is full of vim and vigor. He does not like TV and is very protective of my wife and I. He can not get along with most other dogs. We walk him an average of 5 times/day. He needs constant exercising. He is very intelligent and is curious about everything
6 years, 3 months ago
Book me a walkiee?
Sketch of smiling australian shepherd