The signs of cycad poisoning are quite noticeable, giving owners a clear indication that something is wrong with their pet. However, serious complications can set in quickly, meaning that it is imperative that the cat receives medical attention as soon as possible in order to prevent extensive damage or even death.
Within minutes of consuming part of a cycad plant, the cat will begin to exhibit clear signs of nausea. This will quickly develop into an extended period of vomiting (unlike regular food poisoning, which in felines will normally be resolved quite quickly). There will usually be no noticeable discoloration of the vomit, although blood will sometimes appear. Vomiting for protracted lengths of time can be quite dangerous, as the loss of fluids can help encourage dehydration to set in.
The second most noticeable symptom of cycad poisoning is a loss of control of the bowels. Diarrhea can be substantially more dangerous than vomiting, as the sheer loss of liquid from the body in such a short space of time can often induce dehydration in many cats. The fecal material itself can be noticeably darker than usual due to bleeding in the intestinal tract.
Loss of Coordination
An affected animal will typically exhibit a dramatically increased level of lethargy, with the cat refusing to respond to attempts to interact with it. They may also start to stagger when walking and generally move with a lack of precision.
Liver Failure
One of the most serious symptoms stemming from cycads poisoning is liver failure. This can be indicated by an increased sensitivity to being touched as well as bruising induced by normal activities. Perhaps the most noticeable sign of liver failure, however, is jaundice, with the eyes and skin taking on a yellowish hue as the liver becomes unable to filter bilirubin from the blood.