Although the symptoms caused by sweet pea poisoning can be relatively subtle when compared to poisonings that cause bouts of vomiting and such, owners should not be complacent. If a person is aware that their pet has ingested matter from a sweet pea plant, they should seek immediate veterinary assistance.
Shortly after it has ingested sweet pea material, owners may notice that their cat starts acting in an unusually subdued and lazy manner. The cat can be expected to stay in one place, ignoring offers of food or other attempts to interact. It may also appear completely apathetic to provocation by other pets and could even completely ignore animals that it would usually regard as prey. Owners might also notice the cat exhibiting noticeable levels of weakness on the occasions that it does decide to move, causing difficulty when manipulating objects and navigating obstacles.
Sweet pea poisoning will also cause a degree of pain, both in the digestive tract and throughout the body in general. This can be especially noticeable for owners, as the cat will choose to isolate itself away from others and exhibit a strong aversion to being touched. In some cases, this can cause a dramatic change in behavior, with the animal becoming aggressive or even violent if the owner or another pet should attempt to make physical contact with it. Generally speaking, the amount of pain experienced (as well as the severity of the other symptoms) is dependent on the quantity of sweet pea material that has been swallowed.
A couple of hours after the cat eats the sweet pea, owners may notice their pet experiencing muscular tremors caused by the plant toxins. These tremors can vary in severity from simple shaking of the limbs, to full-blown twitching and spasming. In serious cases, these tremors can develop into seizures as the cat loses motor control over its body. These episodes are usually characterized by violent shaking and muscular spasms throughout the body. These seizures can even prove lethal if their effects include the respiratory or circulatory systems.
Organ Failure
The chemicals contained within sweet pea plants can, in sufficient quantities, impair the function of the cat's organs, in some cases without producing dramatic symptoms such as seizures. The most dangerous aspect of this impairment is that it can cause difficulty breathing as well as heart problems. These symptoms can be as relatively minor as a temporarily irregular heartbeat, or as serious as full-on cardiac arrest. If the cat is experiencing cardiac problems or respiratory distress, owners may notice their cat starting to audibly struggle for breath or appear increasingly more lethargic as time goes on.