My pet has the following symptoms:
Foul Smelling Bowel Movements
When I first got my cat Ciaran from the Humane Society, I was determined to feed only the best foods. I started with Natures Variety Instinct and Tiki Cat as they had no questionable additives. I tried Ziwi Peak and Natures logic for the same reason, but my cat was not a fan of the taste. As he got older, I decided to relax my stance on a few ingredients in order to provide more variety and more protein sources. I decided to allow Guar Gum back into his diet in particular. I added a few new varieties of foods including Weruva, Tiki Cat pouches, Purina Beyond, Nutro Kitten and a few other high quality foods.
He started having very soft stools the were horribly smelly. He also started to eat less, lose weight, his coat started looking ragged and he was constantly eating cat grass. I did not, at the time link the symptoms to the guar gum. He had multiple vet visits and his fecal sample came back normal. The vet could not figure out the cause.
My female kitten, Sierra, was also having issues. She had horribly dry paw pads, but the vet was not terribly concerned about them, so I just put a bit of coconut oil on them.
Fast forward to just after the fecal exam came back normal, I decided to take a look at the foods again. I noticed that all their current foods contained guar gum, xantham gum or other thickener like agar-agar, locust bean gum, etc. I did not feed them any foods with carageenan or cassia gum ever because I knew that both had studies that linked them to harmful side effects. Once I noticed this, I IMMEDIATELY went back to my original food choices of Natures Variety Instinct, Tiki Cat and Ziwi Peak. It took LESS THAN 24 HOURS for their stools to go back to normal with very little odor. Within 2 weeks, my female kittens paws returned to normal, even without any coconut oil being placed on them. My once nearly emaciated cat was eating regularly again and gaining weight and his fur went back to its sleek and shiny appearance.
Upon further research, I found out the that reason that the gums, carageenan and agar-agar work as thickeners is because they draw liquid from their surrounding environment. I also found out that the gums can be used at laxatives in larger quantities. Looser stools mean that there is less time in the digestive tract to be digested, which is why their stools were also so smelly. I also found out that these gums can hamper nutrient and protein absorption. Because they draw liquid out of the intestine, I fear the long term effects on cats and I wonder if it is causing a rise in CKD (Kidney disease/failure). I think much more research needs to be done.