My pet has the following symptoms:
My precious adopted kitty has had chronic diarrhea since I brought him home he was 2 yrs.old he's now 4,I've taken him to vet several times,tried different diet suggestions,put through tests, and about $1000 later,diagnosed with IBD,we were givin prescription,including steroids ,he had a little blood in his stool,and outer anus red,painful &swollen,prescribed ointment for that,it cleared that up. He was also put on prescription diet,plant based dry food(I/Z for cats with food allergies,skin problems. Still suffers from very wet diarrhea and lately( he's never done before) been going under the dining table not pee, where its dark and "hidden"from us. He has always and is used to being an outdoor kitty, I've tried the lets make you inside only plan, he was miserable,so was I,he loves to climb trees and freedom, he Howell all day all night,24/7. I couldn't see him so sad and miserable,so gave in. I bought and tried really nice catio,so it's outside for him,but unable to do or go anywhere he wants so he's free to get into,eat anything he finds. He's an avid hunter too😫Always bringing home dead presents. I can't control that the way things are,(he refused and cried trapped in catio too) spent $600 on that,special expensive prescription food,which we can barely afford,and lastly,for about the past month,he's been pulling out chunks of his furr,I hear that's from stress,and will lay near me and meow ,nonstop,as if he's trying to tell me something,it has been suggested to take him back to best friends where I adopted him from,to being put down either one makes me sick and extremely sad and depressed,I just couldn't part from him. He's been like a service cat,I have seizure and have mental disorders,he is ALWAYS right by by side or on top of me,he cares so much a loves me so loyally, it's unreal. He has even saved my life once,literally,10 minutes from sure death. Nobody understands how much I love my kitty,he's my world,at the same time I want what's best for him,not be selfish .Can you please help,any suggestions? I would so appreciate anything you can give,kungpao will too. Thank you so very much!!!