Meat protein is the third most common type of allergen known to cats, just slightly less common than inhalant allergens and flea bite dermatitis. The allergy is caused by one or more protein-based ingredients present in your cat’s food. Common meat protein-based foods that cause feline allergies include chicken, beef, lamb, fish and meat byproducts. Meat byproducts are not muscle meat, but rather the organs, tongue, and ears of the mammal. A feline may consume the same type, brand and flavor of food before developing an allergic response, as the body creates antigens to fight it. Some cats won’t shows signs of a meat protein allergy for nearly two years.
If your cat is itchy and scratchy, she could be suffering from regular seasonal allergies, but if the problem continues on into the months of winter, she could have a hyper allergic reaction to meat proteins. An allergy is characterized by an overreacted response to a foreign substance produced by the immune system. The immune system works to keep infectious microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses, from invading the body and making the cat sick. Sometimes the immune system mistakes a potentially harmless substance for an infectious organism, creating antigens against the element, which we see as an allergic reaction. In most allergic reactions, a feline will become itchy and the skin will become irritated. However, food allergies tend to only affect the cat’s head and neck with small, fluid-filled skin lumps. It is also estimated that approximately 10 percent of felines exhibit gastrointestinal upset, such as diarrhea and vomiting, as the body’s immune system tries to remove the hazard from being absorbed by the body.